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acoustically Meaning in Tamil ( acoustically வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



acoustically தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

AT'amp;T -ஆனது இந்த சோதனைகளை சிக்கலானதாகவும், மிகவும் விலையுயர்ந்ததாகவும் வடிவமைத்தது, இவற்றின் காரணமாக 1980களின் முற்பகுதி வரை அக்வாஸ்டிக்கல கப்பிள்டு மோடம்கள் பரவலாக காணப்பட்டன.

அதற்கு அக்வாஸ்டிக்கலி கப்பிள்ட் மோடம்கள் என்றை கையடக்க சாதனம் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டது.

acoustically's Usage Examples:

Good sight lines are important acoustically as they prevent absorption of the direct sound by grazing incidence over the heads of the audience.

Following a performance on MTV Unplugged (a popular show where bands would play their songs acoustically), the band's acoustic reputation began to grow just as the band itself began to disintegrate.

Although a good amount of their music is electric, their stint on MTV Unplugged showed that many of their tracks are just as great when played acoustically.

The entire ceiling area was faced with acoustically absorbent material.

The floor is a wire trampoline stretched between the walls with an acoustically transparent catch net below.

Whatever your reason, finding Nirvana guitar tabs to play acoustically can be easy.

However, not many people realize that many of Nirvana's songs either use an acoustic guitar or can be played acoustically.

Thus we may speak appropriately of the acoustic quality of a room or hall, describing it as good or bad acoustically, according as speaking is heard in it easily or with difficulty.

Located off the hotel's lobby, the Rrazz Room boasts an acoustically perfect design with sophisticated decor.

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