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acari Meaning in Tamil ( acari வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மென்னுண்ணி இனம்,

acari தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

சிலந்திப்பேன் (Mite) பூச்சி வகையை சார்ந்த இது, மென்னுண்ணி இனம் (பேன்) எனும் துணை வகுப்பைச் சேர்ந்ததாகும்.

acari's Usage Examples:

The Macaris, like the ancient Mayan cities and abandoned sisal haciendas, seemed forever lost.

Sheep-scab is a loathsome skin disease due to an acarian parasite.

The letter of Macarius, therefore, if a forgery, must be a very early one.

In Altai (Central Siberia) the Archimandrite Macarius, and among the Tatars in south-east Russia with headquarters at Kazan the great linguist Ilminski, did similar work.

It was in the East especially that preaching flourished: Eusebius of Caesarea, Eusebius of Emesa, Athanasius, Macarius, Cyril of Jerusalem, Ephraem Syrus among the orthodox; and of the Arians, Arius himself and Ulfilas the great Gothic missionary, are all of high quality; but above even these stand out the three Cappadocians,Basil (q.

and in Macarius Magnes (see Hilgenfeld, N.

The bones of Macarius, especially his head in a silver reliquary, were believed to work miraculous cures.

Leo of Rome, Athanasius, Gregory of Nyssa, Theophylactus, Cyril of Jerusalem and others, trine immersion was regarded as being symbolic of the three days' entombment of Christ; and in the Armenian baptismal rubric this interpretation is enjoined, as also in an epistle of Macarius of Jerusalem addressed to the Armenians (c.

Macarius of Jerusalem (op.

Among the Malacostraca some Schizopoda, the Cumacea, Tanaidacea, Isopoda and Amphipoda (sometimes grouped all together as Peracarida) have a marsupium or brood-pouch formed by overlapping plates attached to the bases of some of the thoracic legs.

He first settled in Egypt, hearing the lectures of Didymus, the Origenistic head of the catechetical school at Alexandria, and also cultivating friendly relations with Macarius the elder and other ascetics in the desert.

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