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acacia Meaning in Tamil ( acacia வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பிசின் தரும் வேல மரம்,

acacia தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


acacia's Usage Examples:

The lowland strip or Tehama consists partly of a gravelly plain, the Khabt, covered sparsely with acacia and other desert shrubs and trees, and furnishing pasturage for large flocks of goats and camels; and partly of sterile wastes of sand like the Ramla, which extends on either side of Aden almost from the seashore to the foot of the hills.

Two species of acacia are remarkable for the delicate and violet-like perfume of their wood - myall and yarran.

In some Australian acacias, and in some species of Oxalis and Bupleurum, the petiole is flattened in a vertical direction, the vascular bundles separating immediately after quitting the stem and running nearly parallel from base to apex.

World furniture collection which includes acacia, fruitwood and birch furniture.

The alpine rose (Rhododendron dauricum) clusters in masses on the higher mountains; juniper, spiraea, sorbus, the pseudo-acacia (Caragana sibirica and C.

The acacia tree is common, and from it gum-arabic of good quality is obtained.

It was lined within and without with gold, and through four golden rings were placed staves of acacia wood, by means of which it was carried.

Putting aside the exotic vegetation of the north and east coast-line, the Australian bush gains its peculiar character from the prevalence of the so-called gum-trees (Eucalyptus) and the acacias, of which last there are 300 species, but the eucalypts above all are everywhere.

The Lower Sonoran zone is noted for its cactuses, of which there is a great variety, and some of them grow to the height of trees; the mesquite is also very large, and the creosote bush, acacias, yuccas and agaves are common.

acacia trees are ubiquitous on Taiwan's lower hills.

In some cases leaves, as in Iris, or leaf-like petioles, as in Australian acacias and eucalypti, have their plane of expansion parallel to the axis of the shoot, there is then no distinction into an upper and a lower face, but the two sides are developed alike; or the leaf may have a cylindrical or polyhedral form, as in mesembryanthemum.


wattle, flame tree, sweet wattle, cassie, scented wattle, Acacia xanthophloea, shittah, sweet acacia, tree, catechu, gum acacia, gum arabic, huisache, Acacia farnesiana, fever tree, genus Acacia, mimosa bush, shittah tree, Acacia catechu, Jerusalem thorn,



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