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abrupt Meaning in Tamil ( abrupt வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எச்சரிக்கை இல்லாத, திடீரென்ற,

abrupt தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒரு வயதுவந்தோ அல்லது மூத்தவர்களிடமிருந்து வாய்மொழி கண்டனம் அல்லது எச்சரிக்கை இல்லாதிருப்பது, குழந்தையை தனது சுற்றுப்புறங்களை இன்னும் கவனமாகச் சித்தரிக்க உதவுகிறது.

முன்கூட்டியே எச்சரிக்கை இல்லாத போதிலும், ஆறு இறப்புகள் மட்டுமே நிகழ்ந்தன.

abrupt's Usage Examples:

the dependency of capillarity upon abruptness of transition.

Bounded on the south and west by the valley of the Rhine, to which its declivities abruptly descend, and running parallel to, and forming the counterpart of the Vosges beyond, it slopes more gently down to the valley of the Neckar in the north and to that of the Nagold (a tributary of the Neckar) on the north-east.

The arteries and veins have proper endothelial walls; they pass abruptly into the sinuses and in some cases communication is effected by orifices in the walls of the vessels, as for example in the vena cava of Nautilus.

South of the Thames a broken amphitheatre of low hills, approaching the river near Greenwich and Woolwich on the east and Putney and Richmond on the west, encloses a tract flatter than that to the north, and rises more abruptly in the southern districts of Streatham, Norwood and Forest Hill.

The damage to the cerebellum must, it would seem, occur abruptly or quickly in order to occasion marked derangement of function, and then the derangement falls on the execution of movements.

, makes just afterwards an equally abrupt appearance; in many respects the two men seem to be the same, but Monsignor Barnes, following Lord Acton, here regards James Stuardo as an impostor who traded on a knowledge of James de la Cloche's secret.

Hence benevolent extraterrestrials are expected to avoid this abrupt course of action.

Every critic could recognize the structural merits of the earlier plays, for their operatic conventionalities and abruptness of motive are always intelligible as stage devices.

In places, as between Mafeking and Johannesburg, the descent is in terracelike steps, each step marked by a line of hills; in other places there is a gradual slope and elsewhere the descent is abrupt, with outlying hills and deep well-wooded valleys.


staccato, disconnected,


pleasant, low, legato,

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