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abides Meaning in Tamil ( abides வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



abides தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


abides's Usage Examples:

Nancy is so well behaved, she abides by every school rule with perfect obedience.

Samuel abides his parents decision about his curfew, albeit reluctantly.

In the innermost the presence of Yahweh abides.

abides by the existing unilateral moratorium on nuclear testing.

In some of the writings no Messianic kingdom is looked for; in others only a temporal duration on earth is assigned to it; in others still it abides for ever either on earth as it is, or on earth transformed.

abides in death, 1 John, iii.

Even when one abides in a generous disposition stirrings of the molestations of desire may arise with chang as their cause.

, which unmistakably foreshadows Darwin's idea of a struggle for existence, we read: " Among millions of creatures whatever could preserve itself abides, and still after the lapse of thousands of years remains in the great harmonious order.

My uncle abides in a small farmhouse just outside the town limits.

But all over the savage world, especially in Africa, spirit worship has sprung up and choked the All-Father, who, however, in most savage regions, abides as a name, receiving no sacrifice, and, save among the Masai, seldom being addressed in prayer.


bide, outstay, visit, overstay, stay on, continue, stay, remain,


refuse, criminalise, outlaw, disinclination, differ,

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