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recolonization Meaning in Punjabi ( recolonization ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)

ਮੁੜ ਬਸਤੀੀਕਰਨ



recolonization's Usage Examples:

since returned to parts of their former range thanks to both natural recolonizations and reintroductions in Yellowstone and Idaho.

The latter is a proto-state struggling for freedom from de facto recolonization by a Cameroon under control by France, following the collapse of the.

government corruption in the Philippines and an advocate of Philippine recolonization by the United States.

Further studies are needed to evaluate any potential for recolonization.

Recoveries and recolonizations have been observed recently, such as along Shandongin 1999, and Miaodao.

diversity are largely determined by local extinctions and subsequent recolonizations corresponding to climatic cycles.

In some regions, the Paleocene recovery of plants began with recolonizations by fern species, represented as a fern spike in the geologic record;.

of American marten has contracted and expanded regionally, with local extirpations and successful recolonizations occurring in the Great Lakes region and.

then began promoting the idea of recolonization.

Such urbanization allowed Cumans to participate in the recolonization of Bács-Bodrog County, further to the south; however, the recording.

In other words, immigration can lead to the recolonization of previously extinct patches, promoting the long-term persistence of.

A policy of eliminating predatory gulls preceded the recolonization of the island by a large mixed band of Arctic terns and common terns.

Cocoa and timber became major industries upon recolonization.

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