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recolonized Meaning in Punjabi ( recolonized ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)



recolonized's Usage Examples:

Delta Sigma Phi 1924 Delta Tau Delta (closed 2008, recolonized 2014) Delta Upsilon 1968 (recolonized 2014) Iota Nu Delta 2003 Iota Phi Theta 1971 Kappa.

ago; North America was then recolonized by South American cougars and jaguarundis 10,000–8,000 years ago.

damaged by Hurricane Lothar in 1999, has gradually recovered and been recolonized.

While other chapters were founded earlier and have been recolonized, the Xi chapter at Temple.

The planet can then be recolonized by the victor's species.

american robin, hummingbirds (seasonal), bobcat, and possibly cougar (recolonized from Western North America), and right whale.

The town and the surrounding villages were demolished and later recolonized by Arabs during the late 1960s.

or refugia for plants and animals, from which the covered land can be recolonized.

Studies of fossil pollen indicate that trees recolonized these lands at an exponential rate.

Recently, a nesting pair of bald eagles have recolonized the marsh on the north shore of Cootes Paradise.

population is periodically killed off by cold snaps; the area is then recolonized by members of the Mexican population.

2002-2011; recolonized 2012, rechartered 2014 , Iota-Zeta 1952 North Texas Texas-Denton Active Beta Alpha Rho Beta est.

that rock, leaving a rind, which is then indurated (hardened), then recolonized.

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