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worsened Meaning in marathi ( worsened शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

खराब झाले, वाईट,



worsened मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पूर्वाचे लग्न एका मानसिकदृष्ट्या अपंग व्यक्तीशी झाले आहे आणि तिचे सासरे वाईट नजरेने दत्ताकडे पैसे मागतात.

वाईट डोळा टाळण्यासाठी म्हणून आरती त्याच्यावर केली जाते.

नेपथ्य, रंगमंच सजावट, पात्रांचे पोषाख, पात्रांचा शैलीदार अभिनय तसेच अत्यंत आदर्श किंवा अत्यंत वाईट अशी ठोकळेबाज पात्रे, लक्षवेधी घटना, नाट्यपूर्ण प्रसंग, क्रौर्य, दुःख आणि विनोद यांची सरमिसळ, सत्प्रवृत्त पात्रांचा दुष्ट स्वभावाच्या पात्रांनी केलेला छळ ही अतिनाट्याची महत्त्वाची वैशिष्ट्ये आहेत.

त्यामुळे अशा मुलाने वाईट काम केले तर त्याला बालगुन्हेगार न समजता सर्वसाधारण गुन्हेगारच समजले जाते.

या काळात गुलाम पुरुषांची स्थिती ही वाईटच होती त्यांना त्यांच्या मालकिणी ह्या मारहाण करत असे.

राहा देहाच्या विसरे । वर्तो नका वाईट बरे । तेणे मुक्तीची द्वारे । चोजविती ।।.

शील म्हणजे नीतिमत्ता, वाईट गोष्टी न करण्याकडे असलेला मनाचा कल.

शक्तिमान विविध शक्तींचा वापर करून वाईट गोष्टीविरुद्ध लढतो व शेवटी विजय सत्याचाच होतो, या तत्त्वावर जीवन जगतो.

विज्ञानाच्या संशोधनाने मानवी जीवनावर पडू शकणार्‍या चांगल्या वाईट परिणामांचा प्रभाव कल्पिणे, तो रेखाटतांना विज्ञानसिद्धांतांची शब्दव्याप्ती कमीत कमी करून त्या विज्ञानसिद्धांतांची प्रासादिक या विज्ञान कथा संग्रहाचा विशेष.

कुयोग – कु (वाईट) असा योग.

सोमनाथ चॅटर्जी यांच्या कुटुंबाची आर्थिक स्थिती वाईट नव्हती, पण आईमुळे सबंध कुटुंबात ’साधी राहणी’ हे तत्त्व सहजपणे रुजले होते.

हरएक बऱ्यावाईट घटनेचे चक्र त्याच्या डोक्यात सारखे गरगरत असायचे.

समाजातील अनेक वाईट प्रथा, चालीरीती बंद करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला.

worsened's Usage Examples:

Racial disparities in the US criminal justice system worsened after 1980 following various.

cell lung cancer (NSCLC; ALK-positive), a type of cancer which often metastasizes to the brain, whose condition worsened after use or were unable to take.

Some groups of these people were hospitable, while some were fierce fighters, head hunters, animal rustlers, robbers and the like which worsened the already impoverished state of their place.

Edna"s condition seems to have worsened again; she now glares at Kay mistrustfully, refusing to eat and wetting herself.

Although most international services from Sendai came back online following the 2011 disaster, most services between Sendai and China were suspended or cancelled between 2012 and 2013 due to worsened Sino-Japanese relations.

For the first time Bulgarian research team opines that with M74 syndrome are affected also male gametes and worsened parameters.

Despite the term, the decade was marked by an economic crisis, which greatly worsened when the Panic of 1893 set off a widespread economic depression in the.

Immediately, Rick showed signs of instability, which were worsened when Karin Grace became the team's medic.

However, it was also driven by the same trends the Scots attempted to manage in the 1640s, worsened by the events of the 1690s; this was a time of economic hardship and famine in many parts of Europe, known in Scotland as the Seven ill years.

En route the weather worsened and what started as a moderate breeze became a gale-force storm.

This closed international financial markets for Brazil and its economic situation worsened.

Brocius fearful of lynching White was carried to a doctor and they initially thought he would recover, and the next day, he gave a statement that exonerated Curly Bill of murder, but that night, White's condition worsened.

In 2009, Sólyom was refused entry to Slovakia to attend the dedication of a statue of King Saint Stephen in the border town of Komárno on 21 August, an incident reported in Hungary as tantamount to a declaration of persona non grata which further worsened already tense Hungary–Slovakia relations.




good, better,

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