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worship Meaning in marathi ( worship शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पूजा, उपासना,


आनंद, भक्ती, मनाई, धर्म, भजन, अर्पण, आदर, विधी, उपकंपनी, सेवा, क्रियापद, उद्योगधंदा, उपासना,


वंदन करणे, सेवा करण्यासाठी, पूजा करणे,

worship मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

विष्णूला मानणारे ते वैष्णव, शिवाला मानणारे ते शैव, देवीला शक्ती मानून तिची उपासना करणारे ते शाक्त.

शिव, देवत्वाचे मर्दानी पैलू, केवळ अतींद्रिय मानले जाते, आणि शिवाची उपासना सहसा दुय्यम असते.

ते आपल्या चरित्रामध्ये म्हणतात,””श्री माधवबुवा “तेर’ येथील काळेश्वराची उपासना करीत होते.

दक्षिण भारतातील श्रीवैष्णव मोठ्याप्रमणात पंचधातुपासून आणि काळ्यादगडापासून(शालिग्राम) भक्तीने उपासना करतात.

रोममधील रोमन लोक सूर्याची देव म्हणून उपासना करीत.

अनेक उपासकांना एकाच वेळी प्रार्थना, उपासना करण्याची सोय म्हणून चैत्यगृह बांधले जाई.

संप्रदायांचे त्यांनी केलेले अवलोकन व त्यातून दासोपंतांची संगीताचे अधिष्ठान असलेली दक्ष संप्रदायी भक्ती परंपरा म्हणजे ललित कलांच्या आधारे ज्ञानयोग, भक्तियोग आणि कर्मयोग या त्रिपुटींसाठी केलेली सर्वसंप्रदायसमन्वयी उपासना पद्धती होय.

मग मुख्य पुरोहित (विद्यापती) व विश्वकर्मा पाताळ नृसिंहाच्या मंत्राने नृसिंहाची उपासना करून होमात आहुती देतात.

बालपणीच सूर्यनारायणाची उपासना करुन त्यांनी त्यांचे आशीर्वाद प्राप्त केले होते.

विशेषत: रोग बरे करण्यास ‘हिलो’ देवतेची ते उपासना करतात.

याच कालखंडात सुरुवातीच्या चीनी ग्रंथांत म्यानमारला "लियू-यांगचे राज्य" असे संबोधले जाते, जिथे सर्व लोक बुद्धांची पूजा करतात आणि हजारो श्रमण उपासना करतात.

ऐतिहासिकदृष्ट्या, धर्माचे स्वातंत्र्य वेगवेगळ्या धार्मिक प्रणालींच्या सहिष्णुतेचा संदर्भ म्हणून वापरले जाते; तर उपासना स्वातंत्र्यास वैयक्तिक कृतीचे स्वातंत्र्य असे परिभाषित केले गेले आहे.

worship's Usage Examples:

Ambrose considered himself a hero worshipper, and once remarked to a reporter "that he came to this form of history.

Then, Annamayya's parents, cousins, aunt, uncle and his 2 friends come to Tirumala and watch him worship the Lord.

that the Jains adopted stupa worships from the Buddhists, but that is an unsettled point.

En or Enji ([ɛɲi]) is the reconstructed name of the fire god in the Albanian pagan mythology, who is thought to have been worshiped by the Illyrians in.

Iraivan means He who is worshipped, and is one of the oldest words for God in the Tamil language.

The captives asked for and were given permission to hold a worship service that Sunday, near the mouth of a river that was later named the Williams River in honor of that service.

self-sacrifice, worship and the use of sex for pleasure, and proposes a sociobiological explanation of homosexuality.

dedicated to Ino into which loaves were thrown by worshippers hoping to receive an oracle from the goddess.

Places of worship in the area include the Maranatha Bible Presbyterian Church and Sree Ramar Hindu Temple.

In 1943, the chapel was reconsecrated as a Catholic place of worship, being rededicated as the Church of the.

Ayya Cicarukku chonna pathiram, Ayya Cicarukku chonna Sivakanta atikara pathiram and Tinkalpatam are instructions given to people on various aspects of life, including the conduct of worship.

The highlight of the ceremony is a lucky draw to find a person to be a representative of all worshippers to lit light in front of the Buddha image.


pyrolatry, monolatry, moon-worship, salaah, idolisation, praise, devotion, heliolatry, latria, astrolatry, salah, sun-worship, salat, animal-worship, cultism, deification, selenolatry, adoration, idolatry, arborolatry, idolization, tree-worship, devil-worship, zoolatry, idiolatry, worship of heavenly bodies, activity, autolatry, prayer, diabolatry, hierolatry, cosmolatry, exaltation, ancestor worship, apotheosis, salaat, demonolatry, fire-worship, supplication, idol worship, veneration, self-worship, hagiolatry,


discontinuance, discontinuation, assembly, nonreligious person, inactivity,

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