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toyed Meaning in marathi ( toyed शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

खेळणी केलेले, खेळणे, क्षुद्र,


खेळणी, क्षुल्लक बाब, खेळाचे मैदान,


खेळणे, क्षुद्र,


लहान, खेळणी,

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toyed मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जो अग्निहोत्र आणि यज्ञ करीत नाही, अथवा जो क्षुद्र, चोर, सदाचारशून्य अथवा वर्णसंकरयुक्त आहे असा अयोध्येत कुणीही नव्हता.

पश्यन्ती वाणी नामस्मरण साधनेतील स्मरण निजध्यासन अवस्था म्हणजे पश्यन्ती वाणी होय यात साधक इंद्रियांच्या क्षुद्र आनंदाकडे खेचला जात नाही.

जोतीराव फुल्यानें गाईला पुत क्षुद्राचा । मुख्य धनी पेशव्याचा ॥.

श्रीकृष्ण हा पूर्णावतार मानून त्यांनी पंचकृष्णांखेरीज अन्य देवता क्षुद्र मानल्या.

अर्थ :- कूर्म हा पाठीवरून पृथ्वीचे ओझे ढकलून देत नाही म्हणजे काय ते त्याला जड वाटत नसेल? सूर्य कधीच थांबत नाही तर त्याला काय थकवा येत नसेल? एकदा सुरू केलेले काम क्षुद्रपणे मधेच सोडून द्यायला थोर लोकांना संकोच वाटतो.

परिणामतः काबुकी-नाट्यात उत्तान शृंगार, क्षुद्र विनोद व अश्लीलता यांनी थैमान घातले.

न अनाहित अग्नीः न अयज्वा न क्षुद्रो वा न तस्करः ।.

क्षुद्रसूक्त - ज्यात कमीतकमी ३ ऋचा असतात.

शलॉट/१९/नोव्हेंबर१९५९; सांगाती/१९/ऑक्टोबर१९७०; हल्लीच्या मुली/२१/मार्च १९४१; ह्रदयातील अश्रू/८/ऑक्टोबर१९४२; हिरवी मखमल गोरा हात/४१/ऑक्टोबर१९५७; क्षुद्र/२/डिसेंबर“९३१.

वैश्यांना "इच्छेवर दमन" आणि क्षुद्रांना "इच्छेवर फ़टके" या फ़रकाने वर्णन केले गेले.

क्षुद्र दर्जाच्या जीवांना पाने विषारी, पानांचा अल्कोहोलमध्ये बनविलेला अर्क माश्या , पिसू, गोम, डास व इतर किटकांना विषारी (वॅट).

रथचक्र’नंतर ‘लव्हाळी’ आली त्यामध्ये दुसऱ्या महायुद्धोत्तर काळातील जीवनजाणिवा, क्षुद्रत्व हा आशय मांडण्यासाठी त्यांनी दैनंदिनीची शैली स्वीकारली.

हे कदाचित दंश आणि फॉग्लिस्टिस्ट सिद्धांत म्हटल्या जाणाऱ्या क्षुद्र तत्त्वज्ञानाच्या प्रभावामुळे होते, जे नंतर त्या प्रक्रियेचे अनुकूल स्पष्टीकरण होते.

toyed's Usage Examples:

(Alexander Borodin, too, once toyed with the idea.

For a time the Royal Navy toyed with the idea of the trimaran hulled Future Surface Combatant.

Brewer briefly toyed with running but held a news conference on October 18 indicating she would not run saying that it was too soon after her election as leader to enter another election campaign and citing her desire to prepare the party for the next election and improve her command of French.

I had toyed with it for years and then put in three years of very serious work before.

Michael Mallory at the Los Angeles Times credited it and its subsequent features for [spinning] the characters into more modern treatments of action and horror, and toyed with [a] self-spoofing quality.

In particular, the closing six-part piece, 'Rio Grande', is the kind of immensely fulfilling progressive pop with which art-rock bands such as Yes and Genesis formerly toyed, but rarely brought to satisfying completion.

Although Erhard did not play in the 1954 World Cup, coach Sepp Herberger toyed with the idea of changing his defense by adding Erhardt as the left back.

edition was also edited by Knut Are Tvedt, who toyed with the idea of digitalising the encyclopaedia.

OMAC is essentially Captain America set in the future, an idea Kirby had toyed with some years earlier while at Marvel Comics but had never realized.

were later absorbed into the governing African National Congress, some toyed with the formation of a political party that would represent green interests.

Before creating Spoon, Britt Daniel toyed around with a few musical acts in the Austin area.

mulatto woman named Mulata (likened to the Moon) who has ensnared Yumi and toyed with Catalina.

feature the drum machine sound characteristic of Big Black, which was also toyed with by many other independent rock bands in the Midwest during that time.


seesaw, teetotum, dollhouse, top, sliding board, Lego, hobby, cockhorse, Meccano set, sling, ball, stick horse, sandbox, rocking horse, catapult, pinwheel wind collector, dandle board, slingshot, Meccano, playhouse, teeterboard, jumping jack, water pistol, slide, tilting board, pogo stick, popgun, yo-yo, whirligig, teetertotter, water gun, teeter-totter, sandpit, kaleidoscope, teeter, doll"s house, train set, wendy house, Lego set, hula-hoop, plaything, dolly, artefact, balloon, squirt gun, teddy, teddy bear, doll, squirter, pea shooter, jack-in-the-box, artifact, swing, pinwheel, pinata, spinning top, kite, playground slide, jungle gym, sandpile, Frisbee, rattle, hobbyhorse,


bottom, foot, unwind, stand still, natural object,

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