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toying Meaning in marathi ( toying शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

खेळणी, खेळणे, क्षुद्र,



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toying मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जो अग्निहोत्र आणि यज्ञ करीत नाही, अथवा जो क्षुद्र, चोर, सदाचारशून्य अथवा वर्णसंकरयुक्त आहे असा अयोध्येत कुणीही नव्हता.

पश्यन्ती वाणी नामस्मरण साधनेतील स्मरण निजध्यासन अवस्था म्हणजे पश्यन्ती वाणी होय यात साधक इंद्रियांच्या क्षुद्र आनंदाकडे खेचला जात नाही.

जोतीराव फुल्यानें गाईला पुत क्षुद्राचा । मुख्य धनी पेशव्याचा ॥.

श्रीकृष्ण हा पूर्णावतार मानून त्यांनी पंचकृष्णांखेरीज अन्य देवता क्षुद्र मानल्या.

अर्थ :- कूर्म हा पाठीवरून पृथ्वीचे ओझे ढकलून देत नाही म्हणजे काय ते त्याला जड वाटत नसेल? सूर्य कधीच थांबत नाही तर त्याला काय थकवा येत नसेल? एकदा सुरू केलेले काम क्षुद्रपणे मधेच सोडून द्यायला थोर लोकांना संकोच वाटतो.

परिणामतः काबुकी-नाट्यात उत्तान शृंगार, क्षुद्र विनोद व अश्लीलता यांनी थैमान घातले.

न अनाहित अग्नीः न अयज्वा न क्षुद्रो वा न तस्करः ।.

क्षुद्रसूक्त - ज्यात कमीतकमी ३ ऋचा असतात.

शलॉट/१९/नोव्हेंबर१९५९; सांगाती/१९/ऑक्टोबर१९७०; हल्लीच्या मुली/२१/मार्च १९४१; ह्रदयातील अश्रू/८/ऑक्टोबर१९४२; हिरवी मखमल गोरा हात/४१/ऑक्टोबर१९५७; क्षुद्र/२/डिसेंबर“९३१.

वैश्यांना "इच्छेवर दमन" आणि क्षुद्रांना "इच्छेवर फ़टके" या फ़रकाने वर्णन केले गेले.

क्षुद्र दर्जाच्या जीवांना पाने विषारी, पानांचा अल्कोहोलमध्ये बनविलेला अर्क माश्या , पिसू, गोम, डास व इतर किटकांना विषारी (वॅट).

रथचक्र’नंतर ‘लव्हाळी’ आली त्यामध्ये दुसऱ्या महायुद्धोत्तर काळातील जीवनजाणिवा, क्षुद्रत्व हा आशय मांडण्यासाठी त्यांनी दैनंदिनीची शैली स्वीकारली.

हे कदाचित दंश आणि फॉग्लिस्टिस्ट सिद्धांत म्हटल्या जाणाऱ्या क्षुद्र तत्त्वज्ञानाच्या प्रभावामुळे होते, जे नंतर त्या प्रक्रियेचे अनुकूल स्पष्टीकरण होते.

toying's Usage Examples:

After toying with the idea of changing the name to the National Union of English Teachers, the name National Union of Teachers (NUT) was finally adopted at Annual Conference in April 1889.

Astarte kills Zamur and claims Zamur's earlier assertions were a result of her toying with his mind; the player character coming to the Castle of the Damned was never part of Zamur's plan, and Astarte has always been on the player character's side, not Zamur's.

Known for producing "high-end works toying with politically loaded signifiers", he combines traditional and modern techniques to produce art and design.

Ashworth as frontwoman - an idea with which the three sidemen had been toying around the time of the contract signing.

waves"; Ludibrio me adhuc habuisti (Plautus), "Until now you have been toying with me.

As McGregor described the project's genesis in the afterword of the original edition, writer-editor Jim Salicrup, who in 1976 was toying with the idea of producing a weekly newspaper tabloid, asked McGregor to write a weekly adventure comic strip.

title is a male platitude that justifiably angers women," although Shelton believed that "Dylan is ironically toying with that platitude.

Manson was correct in asserting that rock is dead while others felt he was toying with his listeners.

Known for producing "high-end works toying with politically loaded signifiers", he combines traditional and modern.

I mean, who gives a f*** who was first for that one, do you know what I mean?In a 2016 interview, McCartney stated that he was considering issuing unused Beatles recording takes and was still toying with the idea of releasing Carnival of Light.

story begins with Ouyang Feng – known as the Western Venom due to his mercilessness and hailing from the western province – effortlessly toying with and.

Raunak smugly tells Kasturi how he has been toying with her all along and how he has been.

the killer of the film has been deemed iconic and has been described as toying with the audience"s expectations.


flirtation, flirting, play, caper, gambol, romp, flirt, coquetry, frolic, dalliance,


inactivity, lose, defeat, refrain, man,

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