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toted Meaning in marathi ( toted शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


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toted मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मास्टर ऑफ बिझनेस अॅडमिनिस्ट्रेशन (एमबीए) Master of Business Administration (MBA).

तिला मूलतः अॅड्रियाना केसलोटीने आवाज दिला होता.

पुरुष चरित्रलेख काउंट मिहाली अॅडम ज्योर्जी मिक्लोस कॅरोल्यी दि नॅगिकॅरोलि (४ मार्च, १८७५ - १९ मार्च, १९५५) हे हंगेरीच्या पहिल्या प्रजासत्ताकाचे राष्ट्राध्यक्ष आणि पंतप्रधान होते.

पुणे जिल्ह्यातील गावे माध्यम व्यवस्थापन म्हणजे एक प्रकारे ‘व्यवसाय व्यवस्थापनच’ (बिझिनेस अॅडमिनिस्ट्रेशन) होय.

पुरुष चरित्रलेख व्हिन्सेंट अॅडॉल्फस व्हॅलेन्टाइन (४ एप्रिल, १९०८:जमैका - ६ जुलै, १९७२:जमैका) हा कडून १९३३ मध्ये २ कसोटी सामने खेळलेला क्रिकेट खेळाडू होता.

ह्या सामन्यामध्ये पंचांनी नाबाद दिल्यानंतरही अॅडम गिलख्रिस्टने खिलाडूपणे मैदान सोडले.

पाईप डायचे १) सॉलिड डाय २) अॅडजेस्टेबल डाय ३) रँचेट डाय असे तीन प्रकार पडतात.

किंटसुगी: अॅडम फुलफोर्ड द्वारे दुरुस्तीचा अर्थ (व्हिमिओवरील व्हिडिओ).

आपण यातील अॅडजेस्टेबल डाय सेट ची माहिती घेऊया.

मिशनच्या क्रियाकलापांना इराकी अधिकारी आणि यूएस-नेतृत्वाखालील डेप्युटी कमांडिंग जनरल अॅडव्हायझिंग अँड ट्रेनिंग यांच्याशी समन्वयित केले गेले, ज्यांना NTM-I चे कमांडर म्हणून दुहेरी टोपी देखील दिली गेली.

मोकळे केलेले खेळाडू : आदित्य तारे, अनमोलप्रीत सिंग, अनुकुल रॉय, धवल कुलकर्णी, हार्दिक पंड्या, ईशान किशन, जयंत यादव, कृणाल पंड्या, क्विंटन डि कॉक, राहुल चहार, ट्रेंट बोल्ट, क्रिस लिन, सौरभ तिवारी, मोहसीन खान, पियुश चावला, जेम्स नीशाम, मार्को जेन्सन, युधवीर चरक, नेथन कूल्टर-नाइल, अॅडम मिल्ने, अर्जुन तेंडुलकर.

toted's Usage Examples:

by wearing the Fleur-de-lis and was managed by Frenchy Martin; who often toted around a sign reading USA is not OK.

In 1905, Jack and his younger brother William toted bags as caddies on the West Links.

His rescuers toted him off to the hospital.

In the last game of the semifinal playdate, both Great Taste and Ginebra toted a 2-3 won-loss card and needed a win to stay on track for a finals berth.

DiBiase claimed that he had convinced The Undertaker to come back with his vast amounts of money and made him a member of his Million Dollar Corporation, with his powers now derived from DiBiase's riches instead of the urn that he or his manager, Paul Bearer, toted with him to the ring.

" He says further, "Sure, everyone made fun of you as you toted around a Magikarp, but who’s laughing now -- Now that it’s evolved into.

Nearly a million babies were toted in the carriers.

The majority of figures in Kenner"s Super Powers Collection toted a punching action upon the squeezing together of their legs.

They toted luggage the several blocks uptown to the hotels.

two young immigrants from Austria-Hungary toted their secret frankfurter recipe to World"s Columbian Exposition in Chicago.

Again against Maryland, his usage began to diminish when he only toted the ball four times for five yards.

Along with her Ursula 1000, Gants and Spearmint records, she toted a pair of pink Converse running shoes, grey "leather" pants, headphones.

DiBiase"s riches instead of the urn that he or his manager, Paul Bearer, toted with him to the ring.


sum, total, tally, add up, add, numerate, sum up, tot up, add together, count, enumerate, summate, number, tote up,


male offspring, ancestor, woman, cool, gain,

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