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toting Meaning in marathi ( toting शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

टोटिंग, अॅड, वाहून नेणे,

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अॅड, वाहून नेणे,

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toting मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हा गोवंश खास करून कष्टाच्या कामासाठी, ओझे वाहून नेणे व तत्सम अवजड कामांसाठी वापरला जातो.

घोडेस्वारांस अधिक शस्त्रास्त्रे व चिलखते वाहून नेणे तसेच वेगांत कूच करणे सोपे असल्यामूळे पायदळापेक्षा घोडदळाची कार्यक्षमता जास्त असते.

गर्भाची वाढ होण्याकरिता आवश्यक असलेली पोषकद्रव्ये, ऑक्सिजन, संप्रेरके इत्यादी घटकांचा पुरवठा करणे, गर्भाच्या चयापचयातून उत्पन्न झालेले कार्बन डाय-ऑक्साइड, यूरिया इत्यादी टाकाऊ पदार्थ वाहून नेणे ही महत्त्वाची कार्ये नाळेमार्फत घडत असतात.

फुप्फुसातील वायुकोशापासून ते शरीरातील प्रत्येक पेशीपर्यंत ऑक्सिजन वाहून नेणे तसेच चयापचयाच्या दरम्यान तयार होणारा कार्बनडायऑक्साईड पुन्हा फुप्फुसापर्यंत नेण्याचे कार्य अविरतपणे ‘हिमोग्लोबिन’ हे प्रथिन करत असते.

पाण्याचा उपयोग घरगूती कामासाठी, बागकाम व शेती, बाष्पशक्ती व जलविद्युत् शक्ती [→जलविद्युत् केंद्र] यांची निर्मिती, विविध प्रकारचे उद्योगधंदे, आगनिवारण, मूलमूत्र व औद्योगिक अपशिष्ट (टाकाऊ द्रव्ये) वाहून नेणे इ.

जखमी सैनिकांना उपचार देण्यासाठी स्ट्रेचरवरून वाहून नेणे ही या तुकडीची जबाबदारी होती.

toting's Usage Examples:

Lilica Ebett, the sprightly pink-haired girl who's a computer expert, can pretty much crack into any information system, and Yuji Naruo, a perverted, camera-toting voyeur, always serves as Warrior's drop-operation pilot and driver.

teenagers to post-apocalyptic super-heroes to fantasy sailing adventure to gun-toting monster hunters to "hard-core" luchadore action to Regency romance to 80’s.

toting a shopping bag overflowing with copies of Hornbook, which she was autographing and selling for "1.

John feels doomed, until the judge in charge of his arraignment turns out to be the gun-toting Emmett Cook.

Debate over racist symbols Mascot In 2010, the university changed the team mascot from Colonel Reb, a white-goateed, cane-toting Southern plantation owner that many have criticized as racist and anachronistic, to a black bear.

I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns.

Arcia Rinslet: A Maiden of the Silver, one of several female warriors toting twin silver guns.

in Robert Rodriguez" Machete (2010), where Lindsay Lohan portrays a gun-toting nun.

Earl who initially appears as a viper before changing into a sword-toting, fanged, and horned human who discusses matters past, present, and future; brings.

features Peggy Cummins and John Dall in a story about the crime-spree of a gun-toting husband and wife.

It features one of Moore"s best-known heroes, Northwest Smith, a gun-toting spacefarer, and is a retelling of the Medusa myth; it looks at themes of.

It is the story of Ana de Mendoza, a swashbuckling, sword-toting princess.

otherwise with a completely different appearance and abilities -- a spear-toting knight who answers questions, provides advice for plans, and commands only.


sum, total, tally, add up, add, numerate, sum up, tot up, add together, count, enumerate, summate, number, tote up,


male offspring, ancestor, woman, cool, gain,

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