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tolerate Meaning in marathi ( tolerate शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सहन करा, सहन करणे,


हरकत नाही, सहन करा, अस्तित्व, सहन करणे, साहा,

tolerate मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यांचा विरह सहन करणे मला कठीण झाले.

तपस (विरुद्ध गोष्टी सहन करणे उदा.

त्याचे काम, त्यावरच्या वजनाचा भार सहन करणे अथवा न-करणे या दोन्ही प्रकारे राहू शकते.

पण स्वतःच्या प्रांताचीं न्याय्य नि वाजवी गार्हालणी कडाडून मांडणे, त्यासाठी भांडणे हा संकुचित प्रांताभिमान आणि आपल्या प्रांतांतील जनतेचं अकारण नुकसान होत असलं तरी ते मुकाट्याने सहन करणे हा विशाल राष्ट्राभिमान, ही संपूर्णत: तत्त्वदृष्ट, तर्कदृष्ट व व्यवहार दृष्ट भूमिका मात्र आम्हांला साफ नामंजूर आहे.

या लोकसंख्येचा ताण शहरातील निवासव्यवस्था, रस्ते, पाणीपुरवठा, वीज यासारख्या पायाभूत सुविधांना सहन करणे अशक्य झाले आहे.

कोणतीही शारीरिक दुर्बलता, धैर्य आणि स्थिरतेने सहन करणे गरजेचे आहे.

tolerate's Usage Examples:

the Latin tolerans (present participle of tolerare; "to bear, endure, tolerate"), the word tolerance was first used in Middle French in the 14th century.

The law was implemented discretionarily by the government and commercial sex work was tolerated as long it.

amphicyana seems to tolerate moderate human disturbance as long as vegetations and clear running water is maintained.

his career, these alcohol issues were much less tolerated, eventually hastening his exit from the game.

In 1964, Yi Shu completed her studies in her secondary school; her schoolmistress gave her a comment: She was touchy, emotional, and easy to get into a lather… Consequently, her mother renamed her Ni Rong (倪容) (容 literally means to tolerate), in the hope of Yi Shu could become more calm and generous.

Customers may be able to do this by specifying the maximum price they are willing to pay per minute for a call and the lowest quality they are willing to tolerate.

Elizabethan divines preached uncompromisingly against usury in principle but often tolerated.

have more webbing on the toes of the hind feet and can better tolerate saltwater due to specialized salt glands for filtering out salt, which are present.

Both of them were from Sittard, where things like prestidigitation were allowed, but in the more Protestant Roermond this was not tolerated.

Other options include topical or systemic spironolactone or flutamide, although they have a high incidence of feminising side effects and are better tolerated in female androgenic hair loss.

full sun or partial shade and moist soil, but tolerates drier soil in a shadier location.

It has large, glossy, light to medium green foliage, tolerates heat, half-shade and poor soils, and is winter hardy up to −29 °C (USDA.

for women and girls; the banning of long lists of activities generally tolerated by other Muslims—movies, television, videos, music, dancing, hanging pictures.


live with, sit out, swallow, digest, suffer, abide, endure, pay, brook, bear, support, permit, accept, take lying down, stand, countenance, hold still for, take a joke, allow, let, bear up, stomach, stand for, stick out, put up,


disinclination, differ, level, forbid, disallow,

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