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tolerates Meaning in marathi ( tolerates शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सहन करते, हरकत नाही, सहन करा, अस्तित्व, सहन करणे, साहा,


हरकत नाही, सहन करा, अस्तित्व, सहन करणे, साहा,

tolerates मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यांचा विरह सहन करणे मला कठीण झाले.

तपस (विरुद्ध गोष्टी सहन करणे उदा.

त्याचे काम, त्यावरच्या वजनाचा भार सहन करणे अथवा न-करणे या दोन्ही प्रकारे राहू शकते.

पण स्वतःच्या प्रांताचीं न्याय्य नि वाजवी गार्हालणी कडाडून मांडणे, त्यासाठी भांडणे हा संकुचित प्रांताभिमान आणि आपल्या प्रांतांतील जनतेचं अकारण नुकसान होत असलं तरी ते मुकाट्याने सहन करणे हा विशाल राष्ट्राभिमान, ही संपूर्णत: तत्त्वदृष्ट, तर्कदृष्ट व व्यवहार दृष्ट भूमिका मात्र आम्हांला साफ नामंजूर आहे.

या लोकसंख्येचा ताण शहरातील निवासव्यवस्था, रस्ते, पाणीपुरवठा, वीज यासारख्या पायाभूत सुविधांना सहन करणे अशक्य झाले आहे.

कोणतीही शारीरिक दुर्बलता, धैर्य आणि स्थिरतेने सहन करणे गरजेचे आहे.

tolerates's Usage Examples:

full sun or partial shade and moist soil, but tolerates drier soil in a shadier location.

It has large, glossy, light to medium green foliage, tolerates heat, half-shade and poor soils, and is winter hardy up to −29 °C (USDA.

The appellate court also discussed a possible intermediate scenario, in which a farmer is aware of contamination of his crop by genetically modified seed, but tolerates its presence and takes no action to increase its abundance in his crop.

tolerates rather than welcomes visits from his immediate superior, the bonhomous Deputy Chief Constable Bellings.

substances are used for bit mouthpieces, which may determine how much a horse salivates or otherwise tolerates a bit; a horse having a moist mouth is considered.

Another Ultimate equivalent is William Jarvis, Tony's new personal servant tolerates being called Jarvis.

The hardy plant tolerates some pedestrian traffic and produces odors ranging from heavily herbal.

"Blush Noisette" tolerates half shade, is disease resistant and heat tolerant, but not hardy in severe.

It tolerates a tropical lowland climate better than its relatives Annona reticulata and Annona cherimola (whose fruits often share the same name) helping make it the most widely cultivated of these species.

OverviewThe LDS Church tolerates a certain amount of disbelief in its doctrines and practices; but, in certain instances it might consider them grounds for disciplinary action.

Taming implies that the animal tolerates not merely human proximity, but at minimum human touching.

He initially tolerates Caspian as his heir, taking the title of "Lord Protector" for himself.

He does not particularly like having to share his habiviron with diminibeings, but tolerates them regardless.


live with, sit out, swallow, digest, suffer, abide, endure, pay, brook, bear, support, permit, accept, take lying down, stand, countenance, hold still for, take a joke, allow, let, bear up, stomach, stand for, stick out, put up,


disinclination, differ, level, forbid, disallow,

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