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timing Meaning in marathi ( timing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वेळ, शेड्युलिंग, कालगणना,


शेड्युलिंग, कालगणना,

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timing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या कलात्मक संस्कृतीची निश्चित कालगणनाही अद्याप झालेली नाही.

म्हणजे भारतीय पंचांगात चांद्र कालगणनासुद्धा सौर कालगणनेशी स्वतःला जुळवून घेते.

याच शालिवाहन राजाच्या नावाने नवीन कालगणना शालिवाहन शक चालू झाला.

हिंदू कालगणना १४ मन्वंतरांपैकी ज्या तिथीला त्या मन्वंतराची सुरुवात झाली त्या तिथीला मन्वादि तिथी म्हणतात.

भारत शासनाची कालगणना ज्या घटनांवर आधारित आहे (वसंतसंपात, दक्षिणायन, शरदसंपात व उत्तरायण) यापैकी वसंतसंपात हा एक महत्त्वाचा घटक आहे.

चर्चा - भारतीय सौर दिनदर्शिका - आपली राष्ट्रीय कालगणना.

सामुग्रीची चिप्स बनविण्यासाठी लहान किंवा मोठ्या प्रमाणावरील (सामग्रीवर अवलंबून) एकसंध ठेवणारी छोटी कालगणनांमध्ये कार्यक्षेत्र बंद आहे यामुळे ब्लेडने मऊसरच्या आडवी तुकड्यांपासून थोडी वेगळी (त्याच्या आज्ञांमध्ये) धातू कापता येते.

चित्रकला इसवी सन किंवा इसवी (Anno Domini) ही ग्रेगरीय दिनदर्शिकेमधील कालगणना येशू ख्रिस्तांच्या जन्मवर्षापासून करतात.

पंचांगातील पौराणिक कालगणना.

कुरूक्षेत्र युद्ध इसपू ३१४० मध्ये संपले असे मानून त्यांनी कालगणना केलेली आहे.

ग्रेगोरियन कालगणना (इंग्रजी किंवा ख्रिस्ती कालगणना) ही सुद्धा सौर कालगणना असली तरी त्यातील अनेक गोष्टी नैसर्गिक घटनांशी जुळत नाहीत.

timing's Usage Examples:

Reception for the Nomad is mixed between its uniqueness and its poor timing into the market.

However, human influences in the form of land use change, warming temperatures, and changes to weather patterns have been shown to alter the timing and intensity of stratification in lakes around the globe.

Surprise can be in tempo, size of force, direction or location of main effort, and timing.

After the broadcast Roosevelt asked Welles, How did I do? Was my timing right?The audience went wild, laughing and cheering and calling for more, wrote historian Doris Kearns Goodwin.

types of produce liable for tithing as well as the circumstances and timing under which produce becomes obligated for tithing.

officially ratified ht hand timing unknown irregularity unknown irregularity unknown irregularity unknown irregularity "Boys Pole Vault High School Results".

hybrid-timing where the poi-head and the spinner"s hand share the same directionality in a manner such that they form two concentric circles.

A review in Chortle said I suspect a lot of new viewers will wonder what all the fuss is about, as this episode seems clunky and dated, going on to say in truth no one here appears to be a great actor and that it seems to be a little crudely edited, too, with the timing of cutaways off the pace.

silicon charge detector, timing charge detector, and scintillating fiber hodoscopes to detect the charge of incident particles up to that of iron (Z 26).

repetitively flashing light (strobe light) whose frequency can be adjusted with a calibrated timing circuit.

Threefish uses no S-boxes or other table lookups in order to avoid cache timing attacks; its nonlinearity comes from alternating.

Janet Maslin of The New York Times felt the film's gags vary much too wildly in terms of timing and wit.

timing information from the auditory nerve to more central areas of the auditory system.


simultaneousness, present, approach, nowness, futurity, unseasonableness, timeliness, approaching, earliness, past, temporal order, preceding, seasonableness, spark advance, future, succeeding, tardiness, presentness, pastness, promptness, untimeliness, lateness, lead, middle, early, simultaneity, temporal arrangement, coming, late, punctuality,


present, futurity, unseasonableness, timeliness, earliness, past, preceding, seasonableness, future, succeeding, tardiness, presentness, pastness, untimeliness, lateness, middle, early, late, punctuality,

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