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timorous Meaning in marathi ( timorous शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कटू, भ्याड, संशयास्पद,

निसर्गाची भीती किंवा अभिव्यक्त धैर्याचा अभाव,


भ्याड, संशयास्पद,

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timorous मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

इंग्रजांनी "पोर्तुगीजांच्या भ्याडपणाचा" अपयश मान्य केले.

गॅली जोसेफ थरुप, बिली जेसप, बुलीजचा भ्याड नेता म्हणून.

त्याच्या ह्या कृतीने वैशाली नगरीच्या नागरिकांनी त्याची भ्याड राजा म्हणून हेटाळणी केली.

आणि या दास्याला ईश्वरी कोप मानून त्या दास्यातून मुक्त होण्यासाठी बलिदानाला सज्ज होण्याऐवजी ईश्वराची करुणा भाकणे हे मूर्खपणा व पळपुटेपणाचे लक्षण आहे; तसेच मुक्तीसाठी ठोस प्रयत्‍न न करता केवळ प्राक्तनाला दोष देणे हे भ्याडपणाचे लक्षण आहे असे त्यांनी प्रतिपादिले.

त्याचबरोबर अमरनाथ यात्रेवर १० जुलै २०१७ रोजी झालेल्या भ्याड हल्ल्यात अनेक भाविक मृत्यूमुखी पडले.

timorous's Usage Examples:

In this way the name would be used as a nickname for a timorous, lecherous, or fat person - words that all describe this particular bird.

inherent excellence but for alien rewards; they tend to write this, or timorously to avoid writing that, in order to tickle the prejudices of a haphazard.

But everything in you that is flesh and blood and is timorousness and attachment to things of this earth must despair, so that you cannot.

But, on the other hand, he was naturally, if timorously, progressive, or he would never have encouraged the great reforming boyar.

way the name would be used as a nickname for a timorous, lecherous, or fat person - words that all describe this particular bird.

protest against worsening economic conditions, their intervention was timorous and halfhearted and doomed the movement to failure.

Hippocrates described someone who "through bashfulness, suspicion, and timorousness, will not be seen abroad; loves darkness as life and cannot endure the.

Porter, enraged by Butler"s timorousness, went to U.

He was remembered by contemporaries as "a timorous animal" and "incommunicative, sordid and of little learning", but he visited 12 counties as Clarenceux.

III, mentions, along with other examples, that the virtuous man is not temerarious nor timorous, but courageous.

we skated timorously down the rapid path to the open plain across which still stretched the.

The exultation of the timorous stay-at-homes was rotten and debased.

subtile, subtle, subtlety, tessitura, text, textile, textual, textuality, textuary, textural, texture, tissue timeō tim- timu-  – be afraid timidity, timorous.


fearful, timid, trepid,


bold, noble, unafraid, brave,

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