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thundering Meaning in marathi ( thundering शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



अत्यंत, खूप जास्त,

thundering मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अशा परिस्थितीतही या नाटकाचा नायक बेरेन्जे गडगडाट बोलतो,.

परावतक्ष, त्याची तलवार भूकंप कारणीभूत ठरते आणि त्याच्या गर्जनाने गडगडाट निर्माण केले.

ह्या ढगांपासून विजा पडून गडगडाटासह जोरदार वृष्टी मिळू शकते.

अनेक स्थानिक वाद्यांसह ढोल-ताशांच्या गडगडाटाच्या गर्जना शाही भक्षकांच्या स्नर्ल्सचे पुनरुत्पादन करतात आणि चित्र पूर्ण करतात.

वृष्टीच्या वेळेस ह्या ढगातून वीज पडत नाही वा गडगडाटही ऐकू येत नाही.

पश्चिम बंगाल आणि बांगला देशांत होणाऱ्या स्थानिक गडगडाटी वादळांना कालबैसाखी (Nor'westers) म्हणतात.

अलेक्झांडरच्या वेळेस गर्भारशी राहण्याच्या काही दिवस आधी ऑलिंपियासला एके रात्री आपल्या गर्भावर प्रचंड गडगडाटासह विद्युत्पात झाल्याचे स्वप्न पडले.

प्रवीण जोग (हास्यगडगडाट).

उधार-उसनवार (गडगडाट).

बहुतेक गडगडाटी वादळांमध्ये (जसे ते क्युम्युलोनिम्बसद्वारे निर्माण केले जाते), तसेच मूळ वादळाच्या 3.

कधीकधी अशनी वातावरणातच फुटतो तेव्हा गडगडाटासारखा मोठा आवाज होतो.

ती वज्र (गडगडाट), बोकड , फास आणि कमळाच्या देठासह सशस्त्र आहे.

thundering's Usage Examples:

It"s excellent, if obviously an offcut from "The Eminem Show", all thundering rawk guitars and Rocky-ish bassline.

his "thundering voice and sterling performance[s]" that earned him the sobriquets Nata Bhairava and Nata Bhayankara.

From afar the thunderings of the lion rise up, when Parjanya produces his rain-bearing cloud.

Revelation 4:5: And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps the of fire burning before the.

[citation needed] Thomson wrote: I was impressed mightily by the stupendous thundering of the waters which in magnificent mass plunged down several.

a merry but thundering epistle, full of all kinds of expletives and asseverations that this was not my picture,-— together with everything that on such.

[citation needed] Thomson wrote: I was impressed mightily by the stupendous thundering of the waters which in magnificent mass plunged.

when the men of old time beheld the disasters in the heavens, such as thunderings and lightnings, and thunderbolts and collisions between stars, and eclipses.

a service "before he realised that he was the cause of the alarming thunderings which were frightening the congregation and putting a temporary pause.

Russian language" as a device made to produce crackling, thundering and racketing sounds.

"Berlin was a city of tightened stomachers, of mounting, thundering hunger, where hidden rage was transformed into.




ineffective, quiet,

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