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thunderstorm Meaning in marathi ( thunderstorm शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वादळ, गडगडाट,



thunderstorm मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अशा परिस्थितीतही या नाटकाचा नायक बेरेन्जे गडगडाट बोलतो,.

परावतक्ष, त्याची तलवार भूकंप कारणीभूत ठरते आणि त्याच्या गर्जनाने गडगडाट निर्माण केले.

ह्या ढगांपासून विजा पडून गडगडाटासह जोरदार वृष्टी मिळू शकते.

अनेक स्थानिक वाद्यांसह ढोल-ताशांच्या गडगडाटाच्या गर्जना शाही भक्षकांच्या स्नर्ल्सचे पुनरुत्पादन करतात आणि चित्र पूर्ण करतात.

वृष्टीच्या वेळेस ह्या ढगातून वीज पडत नाही वा गडगडाटही ऐकू येत नाही.

पश्चिम बंगाल आणि बांगला देशांत होणाऱ्या स्थानिक गडगडाटी वादळांना कालबैसाखी (Nor'westers) म्हणतात.

अलेक्झांडरच्या वेळेस गर्भारशी राहण्याच्या काही दिवस आधी ऑलिंपियासला एके रात्री आपल्या गर्भावर प्रचंड गडगडाटासह विद्युत्पात झाल्याचे स्वप्न पडले.

प्रवीण जोग (हास्यगडगडाट).

उधार-उसनवार (गडगडाट).

बहुतेक गडगडाटी वादळांमध्ये (जसे ते क्युम्युलोनिम्बसद्वारे निर्माण केले जाते), तसेच मूळ वादळाच्या 3.

कधीकधी अशनी वातावरणातच फुटतो तेव्हा गडगडाटासारखा मोठा आवाज होतो.

ती वज्र (गडगडाट), बोकड , फास आणि कमळाच्या देठासह सशस्त्र आहे.

thunderstorm's Usage Examples:

The initial thunderstorm activity moistens up the environment around the low, which destabilizes the atmosphere by.

During these times, air-mass thunderstorms tend to generate due to daytime heating and lose their main energy during the evening hours.

loudspeakers, nine television screens, and the staff has text message availabilities, all intended on warning fans of any thunderstorms approaching.

In the low levels of the troposphere, outflow radiates from thunderstorms in the form of a wedge of rain-cooled.

A thunderstorm drives the narrator home, where he finds a telegram from Arthur, asking him to come.

In August 1959, the Chronicle reported that the tower was severely damaged by an unusually strong thunderstorm, requiring major repairs before KRON-TV could return to the air.

strong winds, and often produce heavy rain and sometimes snow, sleet, or hail, but some thunderstorms produce little precipitation or no precipitation.

Tracking westward, the disturbance encountered a more favorable environment in the South China Sea; as a result, thunderstorm activity began to increase.

The 8 May 2009 attempt was also scrubbed due to thunderstorms.

followed by spells of thunderstorm or hailstorms and heavy rains cum ice sleets lash the district, bringing relief from the humid heat.

August 19, 2020, reported that the state was battling 367 known fires, many sparked by intense thunderstorms on August 16–17 caused by moisture from the remnants.

It is commonly observed near microbursts and downbursts caused by thunderstorms, fronts, areas of locally higher low-level winds referred to as low-level.

As he exorcises the castle, attaching a large metal cross to its gate, a thunderstorm occurs.


violent storm, electrical storm, electric storm, storm,



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