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thrush Meaning in marathi ( thrush शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

थ्रश, हायना,


गाणारे पक्षी, घोड्याच्या पायाचे व्रण, मुलांच्या तोंडाला आणि घशावर जखमा,

thrush मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सायरिका आणि हायना हायना हायना''  या जाती भारतात आढळतात.

भारतीय संविधान पट्टेरी तरस (Striped Hyena) : याचे शास्त्रीय नाव हायना हायना (Hyena hyena) असे आहे.

च-च्यांगाच्या किनारपट्टीलगत सुमारे ३,००० छोटी छोटी बेटे असून चौषान बेट हे मुख्यभू चिनातले तिसरे मोठे (हायनान व छोंगमिंग बेटांखालोखाल) बेट च-च्यांगाच्या किनाऱ्यालगतच आहे.

या कलेसंदर्भात बहुतेक राष्ट्रावर भारतीय लिखाण आणि संस्कृतीचा त्याचबरोबर हिंदुत्व,महायना,थेरवडा बुद्धिझम यांचा फार मोठा प्रभाव पडला.

दुबाह (Hyena hyena dubbah) आणि हायना हायना हायना (Hyena hyena hyena) या पाच उपजाती आहेत.

thrush's Usage Examples:

On one of those days, he caught a small brown thrush near the summit which he was unable to identify as belonging to any known.

Oral candidiasis, also known as oral thrush among other names, is candidiasis that occurs in the mouth.

yellowhammer, song thrush, pipistrelle bat, red squirrel, fallow deer, common newt, marsh fritillary, and the wall brown butterfly.

spotted woodpecker, reed warbler, sedge warbler, marsh warbler, and thrush nightingale.

These medium-sized laughingthrushes are dull ochrous-grey, with a bright rufous-chestnut crown and a blackish face, with whitish.

The supercilium of the northern waterthrush, a New World warbler, differs subtly from that of the closely related (and similarly plumaged) Louisiana waterthrush.

similarly plumaged song and Chinese thrushes; these three species are early offshoots from the Eurasian lineage of Turdus thrushes after they spread north from.

Like the other chats, it was long assigned to the thrush family (Turdidae), to which the chats are convergent.

Other names oral candidosis, oral thrush, oropharyngeal candidiasis, moniliasis, candidal stomatitis, muguet Oral candidiasis Specialty Infectious disease.

populations of Eyrean grasswrens, black honeyeaters, banded whitefaces, chirruping wedgebills and cinnamon quail-thrushes.

based on Ancient Greek trungas, a thrush-sized, white-rumped, tail-bobbing wading bird mentioned by Aristotle.

only to the similarity in size (and in Chamaeza also coloration) to true thrushes, not to an evolutionary relationship.


blackbird, clay-colored robin, chat, Luscinia luscinia, Turdus torquatus, mistletoe thrush, oscine, Old World chat, Turdus migratorius, bluethroat, ring blackbird, Hylocichla mustelina, merle, European blackbird, missel thrush, redbreast, redtail, snowbird, Turdus merula, fieldfare, mavis, wood thrush, American robin, mistle thrush, solitaire, robin redbreast, Turdidae, hermit thrush, song thrush, Turdus viscivorus, Hylocichla fuscescens, Turdus philomelos, Old World robin, ring ouzel, redstart, Turdus iliacus, nightingale, Erithacus rubecola, Wilson"s thrush, redwing, wheatear, Hylocichla guttata, ring thrush, robin, bluebird, Luscinia megarhynchos, Turdus greyi, throstle, Erithacus svecicus, ousel, oscine bird, thrush nightingale, Turdus pilaris, family Turdidae, merl, ouzel, veery,

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