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thrushes Meaning in marathi ( thrushes शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

थ्रश, गाणारे पक्षी, मुलांच्या तोंडाला आणि घशावर जखमा, घोड्याच्या पायाचे व्रण,


गाणारे पक्षी, घोड्याच्या पायाचे व्रण, मुलांच्या तोंडाला आणि घशावर जखमा,

thrushes मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

घोडा, चिपांझी, डुक्कर, मांजर, गाणारे पक्षी, कबूतर, गोल्ड फिश, रेशीम कीटक, कुत्रा, शेळी, मेंढी, कोंबडी, लामा, गिनी पिग, मिथुन, उंट असे अनेक पाळीव प्राणी पिढ्यानपिढ्या माणूस वाढवतोय.

thrushes's Usage Examples:

These medium-sized laughingthrushes are dull ochrous-grey, with a bright rufous-chestnut crown and a blackish face, with whitish.

similarly plumaged song and Chinese thrushes; these three species are early offshoots from the Eurasian lineage of Turdus thrushes after they spread north from.

populations of Eyrean grasswrens, black honeyeaters, banded whitefaces, chirruping wedgebills and cinnamon quail-thrushes.

only to the similarity in size (and in Chamaeza also coloration) to true thrushes, not to an evolutionary relationship.

The antpittas are sexually monomorphic; they resemble the true pittas in that they are virtually tailless; they hop like some thrushes, and are.

The seeds contained in the arils are eaten by thrushes and other birds.

purports to show that their district in Hispania Baetica had become proverbially famous for the thrushes and small birds supplied for Roman tables.

magpies, woodpeckers, thrushes, grouses, bullfinches, nightingales, corncrakes, northern lapwings, white storks, grey herons, seagulls and grebes.

The Pachycephalidae are a family of bird species that includes the whistlers, shrikethrushes, and three of the pitohuis, and is part of the ancient Australo-Papuan.

Like other native Hawaiian thrushes, it often quivered its wings and fed primarily on fruit and insects.

It has a diverse bird life, such as yellowhammers, whitethroats, song thrushes and short-eared owls.

birds may follow ants, including thrushes, chats, ant-tanagers, cuckoos, motmots, and woodcreepers.

The thrushes are a passerine bird family, Turdidae, with a worldwide distribution.


blackbird, clay-colored robin, chat, Luscinia luscinia, Turdus torquatus, mistletoe thrush, oscine, Old World chat, Turdus migratorius, bluethroat, ring blackbird, Hylocichla mustelina, merle, European blackbird, missel thrush, redbreast, redtail, snowbird, Turdus merula, fieldfare, mavis, wood thrush, American robin, mistle thrush, solitaire, robin redbreast, Turdidae, hermit thrush, song thrush, Turdus viscivorus, Hylocichla fuscescens, Turdus philomelos, Old World robin, ring ouzel, redstart, Turdus iliacus, nightingale, Erithacus rubecola, Wilson"s thrush, redwing, wheatear, Hylocichla guttata, ring thrush, robin, bluebird, Luscinia megarhynchos, Turdus greyi, throstle, Erithacus svecicus, ousel, oscine bird, thrush nightingale, Turdus pilaris, family Turdidae, merl, ouzel, veery,

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