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thou Meaning in marathi ( thou शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

तू, (श्लोकात वापरलेले), आपण,



thou मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

भय निर्माण करणारेही आपणच आहात आणि भय नाहीसे करणारेही आपणच आहात.

गेल्या २५-२६ वर्षाच्या मुस्लिम मराठी साहित्य चळवळीचे सांस्कृतिक फलित आपण आज अनुभवत आहोत.

तेवढ्यात सम्राटाला ‘आपण काय केले हे ! असे वाटून त्यांना परत येण्याची विनंतीवजा आज्ञा केली.

आपणा सर्वांच्या निर्माणकर्त्याने सर्व मानवी स्त्री - पुरुषांस धर्म व राजकीय स्वतंत्रता दिली आहे.

पण स्मृतीच्या मर्यादिततेमुळे आपण माणसे मनातल्या मनात फक्त मोजक्या आकडेमोडी करू शकतो.

पण जर आपण ठरवले असेल तर आपल्याकडून काहीही होऊ शकते.

बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या असीम त्यागाने आपणाला बौद्ध धम्माचा लाभ झाला.

श्री ज्ञानदेवांच्या भेटीस आपण अपात्र असून , ती भेट घडवून आणण्यास अपात्र असणारी जीभ शरीरात ठेवून तरी काय उपयोग ? असा विचार करून एका तीक्ष्ण हत्याराने ती कापून टाकली होती .

आपणसुद्धा ‘पांढऱ्यावर काळे’ करावे, असे त्यांना वाटू लागले.

अंतःकरणात स्वरूपाची जागृती होणे- आपण कोण आहोत याचे ज्ञान प्रकट होणे म्हणजेच मोक्षाची प्राप्‍ती होणे.

त्या क्षणी आपण एकमेकांच्या प्रेमात असल्याची जाणीव त्या दोघांनाही होते.

वल्लभाचिया उजरिया | आपणया प्रती कुस्त्रिया | जोडोनी तोषिती जैसिया | अहेवपणे ||.

याचाच अर्थ जो तांदूळ आपण भारतीय मानतो तो चीनमधून आला असावा.

thou's Usage Examples:

Although they were never signed to the label, Rodan was close to Simple Machines, contributing to several compilations and playing at the label's Working Holiday festival.

Alternatively, a field commander can submit a name for consideration, though permission must be obtained from the governor general before the award can be presented.

pictorialist, was artistically seeking for "romantic softness without sugariness, blurring without a woolly effect" in images and had been experimenting.

specific name epipactis comes from a Greek word for plants thought to curdle milk.

His adversaries were powerful in England, and continually at the ear of the Protector; but Oliver, though chary of praise, and not giving his son all the public support he expected, approved of his conduct in this matter.

An integrated ironworks in the 19th century usually included one or more blast furnaces and a number of puddling furnaces or a foundry with or without other kinds of ironworks.

Unable to locate the puppet, at the venue Brough went through a revised script without the dummy.

On 25 November, after a norther sank Neptune at Tampico, Spitfire rescued that steamer's crew without loss of life.

singers, a duet, trio, or larger ensemble involving more voices singing in harmony, although the term is generally not used for large classical music vocal.

Although this previously scarce commodity was suddenly available in "bucketfuls", the price of treatment (US"10,000–30,000 per year) was the highest at.

TPO vans were provided with centre gangways, though a batch intended to work with older vans were given offset gangways.

His spoken word albums include Incomplete Directions, Phenomena of Interference with Matthew Shipp and I thought it was the end of the world then the end of the world happened again with Federico Ughi.

The location of the NABC is rotated among major cities, attended by thousands of players.


K, 1000, yard, millenary, M, G, thousand, chiliad, grand, large integer, one thousand,


undignified, poor, ordinary, ignoble, ordinal,

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