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thoughtless Meaning in marathi ( thoughtless शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शिरच्छेद, बेहिशेबी, अविनाशी, तर्कहीन, विचारहीन, बेपर्वा, बेफिकीर,


शिरच्छेद, अविनाशी, विचारहीन, बेपर्वा, बेफिकीर,

thoughtless मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पण स्वार्थी आणि बेफिकीर लोकांनी भरलेल्या व्यवस्थापकीय समितीकडून तिला मदत केली जात नाही.

परंतु या वरील वृत्तींमुळे व बदलांमुळे किशोरवयातील मुले एकीकडे न ऐकणारी, अनादर करणारी, उद्धट, हातबाहेर गेलेली, बेफिकीर व बेदरकार वाटतात (विशेषतः मुलगे) तर दुसरीकडे ती हळवी, स्वप्नाळू, अस्थिर, भेदरलेली, प्रलोभनांना पटकन बळी पडू शकणारी वाटतात व ती धोक्यांना बळी पडण्याची शक्यता वाढते (विशेषतः मुली).

एक चतुर उच्च-वर्गीय समाजवादी असल्याने, तिची सून मोनिषाची मध्यमवर्गीय पैसे वाचवण्याच्या सवयी आणि बेफिकीर वागणूक मायासाठी सतत त्रासदायक ठरते.

thoughtless's Usage Examples:

theless, the idiotic, irresponsible, and thoughtless Sanford and Del are portrayed as the series" heroes.

Radio Bamako countered by denouncing Burkina Faso as a country led by thoughtless and misguided people.

made him a much richer character than he might have been had he merely backslid into a cold, thoughtless killer again.

His faults are more commonly those of self-indulgence, thoughtlessness, vanity and procrastination, and these usually go hand-in-hand with.

far-left ideology, specifically any person who thoughtlessly defends, idolizes, and fawns over a populist politician and demagogue with an attitude similar.

negatively to other network science fiction series saying, "Manifest, alas, beelines thoughtlessly toward its hokiest idea, when some of the returning passengers.

the exposed oxen, which the Goths had so thoughtlessly brought within bowshot distance from the walls.

He feigned a check, and, retiring in apparent disorder, was thoughtlessly followed by the Marathas, who, confident of victory, pursued in headlong.

divine and human laws and against your own interests, like a man who thoughtlessly cripples himself.

and/or Willie in times of trouble “caused by others’ misdeeds and thoughtlessness,” including a forest fire caused by a practical joker, and Willie being.

by the most outrageous misuse of language, putting in its place the hollowest, most senseless, thoughtless, and, as is confirmed by its success, most.

Prodigal, was the exact opposite of Frederick: energetic and inclined to thoughtlessness.

suffering crew, Canst thou endure th" extreme of raging Thirst Which soon may scorch thy throat, ah! thoughtless Youth! Or ravening hunger canst thou bear which.


unthinking, unconsidered, unthoughtful, inconsiderate, unreflective, thoughtfulness,


tactful, unkindness, considerate, thoughtful, unthoughtfulness,

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