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swearing Meaning in marathi ( swearing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शपथ घेणे, शिवीगाळ,



swearing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तेथे आरडाओरड व मोठमोठ्या आवाजात शिवीगाळ करण्यात आली.

[]] अगुइरेने फर्नांडिसला शिवीगाळ केली कारण त्याला विश्वास होता की तो समलैंगिक आहे.

आता आपण म्हणाल की त्यांचे आचारण उचित नाही, असले लोक समाजात दुराचार आणि अश्लिलता पसरवतात, जबरदस्तीने पैसे वसूल करतात, अनाप-शनाप बोलतात, शिवीगाळ करतात, चोरी करतात आणि जर का आपण यांना पैसे दिले नाहीत तर चार चौघात अश्लिल इशारे आणि व्यवहार करतात.

Section 6: तरुण कारकुनाला शिवीगाळ व धमकी दिल्यानंतर आपली नोकरी सोडावी लागली.

गुन्हेगारांनी हा गुन्हा करताना जातीवाचक शिवीगाळ केल्याचा उल्लेख नाही.

शिवीगाळ, बहुतांशी चुकीची असलेली सवंग माहिती पुरवणारे सवंगडी, अश्लील व वैद्यकीयदृष्ट्या अनधिकृत वाड्मय, शौचालये आणि मुताऱ्या हेच दुर्दैवाने भारतातील बहुसंख्य लोकांचे लैंगिक शिक्षणाचे माध्यम रहात आले आहे.

swearing's Usage Examples:

The absence of any Hindu religious texts at the official residence of the President of Trinidad and Tobago during the swearing in of the new Government in 1986 was perceived as another insult to the minority communities since they were represented in the government.

The children's censored swearing are not actual swear words but were instead words like big dumby.

Forum, late arrival Atia takes the lead, calling Livia a "vicious little trollop," and says, "You"re swearing now that some day you will destroy me, but.

The court held that charging Raymond John Carroll with perjuring himself in the earlier murder trial by swearing he did not kill the baby.

1422 but, after forswearing such practices and being arraigned by the Bishop of Llandaff (then John.

1982 "Dirty Talk" (Wynter Gordon song), 2010 Dirty language, cursing, cussing, and/or swearing dirt talk or dirt talking, see Trash-talk Talk Dirty (disambiguation).

Near the end of the episode, there is a montage where Homer has a series of bad experiences that cause him to curse, although the scene always cuts out before he can be heard swearing.

A private swearing-in ceremony took place on Sunday, January 20, 2013, in the Blue Room of.

He was later heard cussing at his band and swearing he would never open for the Rolling Stones again.

In the subplot, Ned Flanders asks Homer to curtail his swearing, so Homer starts using.

He eventually saves Harry's life at the end, with even more swearing.

Process of swearing a person into public office.


expletive, profanity, oath, curse, curse word, cuss, swearword,


nonparticipation, non-involvement, non-engagement, frivolity, competition,

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