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swearings Meaning in marathi ( swearings शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


आश्चर्य किंवा रागाची अशुद्ध किंवा सहसा अश्लील अभिव्यक्ती,



swearings मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तेथे आरडाओरड व मोठमोठ्या आवाजात शिवीगाळ करण्यात आली.

गुन्हेगारांनी हा गुन्हा करताना जातीवाचक शिवीगाळ केल्याचा उल्लेख नाही.

Section 6: तरुण कारकुनाला शिवीगाळ व धमकी दिल्यानंतर आपली नोकरी सोडावी लागली.

आता आपण म्हणाल की त्यांचे आचारण उचित नाही, असले लोक समाजात दुराचार आणि अश्लिलता पसरवतात, जबरदस्तीने पैसे वसूल करतात, अनाप-शनाप बोलतात, शिवीगाळ करतात, चोरी करतात आणि जर का आपण यांना पैसे दिले नाहीत तर चार चौघात अश्लिल इशारे आणि व्यवहार करतात.

[]] अगुइरेने फर्नांडिसला शिवीगाळ केली कारण त्याला विश्वास होता की तो समलैंगिक आहे.

swearings's Usage Examples:

Fionn turned round and roared a mighty curse, "My seven swearings of a curse on it!" "Let.

described the "cryings, screechings, roarings, brawlings, shaking of chaines, swearings, frettings, chaffings" that he observed.

The body of the text details the appearances of the accused, their swearings-in, the charges against them, and the modes of questioning to which they.

such as that provided by Donald Lupton in the 1630s who described the "cryings, screechings, roarings, brawlings, shaking of chaines, swearings, frettings.

appearances intermingled with Supreme Court deliberations in Washington and two swearings-in there of Vice President Joe Biden for the inauguration of his second.

By 2015, a series of swearings-in and other events at which Biden had placed his hands on people and.

by Donald Lupton in the 1630s who described the "cryings, screechings, roarings, brawlings, shaking of chaines, swearings, frettings, chaffings" that he.

Fionn turned round and roared a mighty curse, "My seven swearings of a curse on it!" "Let it lie there for a vexation to the sons of men.

also often used for state functions and ceremonial occasions such as swearings-in, investitures and the presentation of credentials by heads of foreign.

Albanian: dhe ("earth"), ritualized in the cult of the earth and oath swearings (beja me dhe), also appears in the divine names of Dheu, the chthonic.

Some forms of swearings were used in his name and honour at the moment of the signing of contracts.

Some changes were done in comparison to the manga; for example, swearings and guns or gambling references were reduced.


verbalize, utter, cuss, give tongue to, express, verbalise, curse, imprecate, blaspheme,


negate, invalidate, disprove, agitate, worry,

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