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supposition Meaning in marathi ( supposition शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गृहीतक, अंदाज, कल्पना,


चेतावणी, अंदाज, कल्पना, अतार्किक अंदाज,

supposition मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जमीन व समुद्राच्या सर्व पृष्ठ भागांवर सरासरी तापमान हे अंदाजे १°C (१.

२००६च्या अंदाजानुसार येथे ३८,४७८ व्यक्ती राहत होत्या.

त्यानंतर पोलिसांना कटाचा अंदाज आल्यामुळे राम रहीमला पळवण्याचा प्लॅन फसला.

परंतु येथेही त्याचा अंदाज चुकला.

त्यांना अतिथी भत्ता म्हणून वार्षिक अंदाजपत्रकांच्या २% किंवा ६०००/- रु यापैकी जी मोठी रक्कम असते ती दिली जाते.

2005 मध्ये एक, अंदाजे 10.

मृत व जखमी मिळून ही संख्या अंदाजे ९,७०,००० (लोकसंख्येच्या ३.

हा पट्टा इतर तीन पट्ट्यांनी दर्शवलेल्या मोजमापात प्रत्यक्ष किती टक्के तफावत असू शकेल याचा अंदाज सांगतो.

सुमारे पाच पैकी एका सूर्याएवढ्या आकाराच्या ताऱ्याभोवती पृथ्वीएवढ्या आकाराचा परग्रह त्या ताऱ्याच्या वास्तव्ययोग्य क्षेत्रामध्ये परिभ्रमण करतो असा अंदाज लावला जातो.

त्याकाळी अंदाजे १,००,००० (आत्ताच्या चौपट) व्यक्ती येथे रहात असत.

नवीनतम अधिकृत अंदाजा नुसार (जानेवारी २०१४ ला) याची लोकसंख्या १५,९९,७८८ आहे.

२०१७पर्यंत न्यूमन्स ओन कंपनी ने अंदाजे ४८ कोटी ५० लाख अमेरिकन डॉलर दान केले आहेत.

supposition's Usage Examples:

meaning grammatical acceptance of unstated values as in accommodation of presuppositions Biblical accommodation, the adaptation of text from the Bible to signify.

Crucially, negation of an expression does not change its presuppositions: I want to do it again and I don't want to do it again both presuppose that the subject has done it already one or more times; My wife is pregnant and My wife is not pregnant both presuppose that the subject has a wife.

hyporchemata of Pindar confirm this supposition, for their rhythms are peculiarly light, and have a very imitative and graphic character.

present audiences with entertainment that frequently challenges cultural suppositions.

adapted to analyze phenomena including focus, scope, disjunction, NPIs, presupposition, and implicature.

" The term "suppositional fiction" is sometimes used as a sub-category designating fiction in.

Giannakidou (2002) argues that Strawson-DE allows not just the presupposition of the evaluated sentence but just any arbitrary proposition to count as relevant.

Have you stopped eating meat?* Presupposition: you had once eaten meat.

performativer Widerspruch) arises when the propositional content of a statement contradicts the presuppositions of asserting it.

of the Historical Dictionary of American Slang, has shown that these suppositions are incorrect since “Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye” originally had a different.

" One of the principal arguments of the necessitarians is that their position involves a presupposition of all science.

The name "Null Island" jokingly refers to the suppositional existence of an island at that location, and to a common cartographic.


precondition, given, constatation, foundation, assumption, base, fundament, self-evident truth, cornerstone, theory, supposal, possibility, hypothesis, groundwork, basis, basic assumption, conclusion, presumption,


activation, continuance, continuation, monetization,

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