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supposing Meaning in marathi ( supposing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गृहीत धरणे, तर, आवडले,


विचार करणे, कल्पना करणे, अंदाज, प्रवण व्हा, विश्वास ठेवणे, विचार, लक्षात ठेवा,

supposing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जिल्ह्याच्या उत्तरेस सातपुडा तर दक्षिणेस अजंठा पर्वतरांगा आहेर.

" असा आशीर्वाद देऊन मयूरेश्वर अंतर्धान पावले.

थुकरटवाडीचा माहोल होणार अतरंगी, जेव्हा भाऊ आणि लिटील चॅम्प्सची होणार जुगलबंदी.

विकिप्रकल्प वैद्यकशास्त्र चित्तरंजन चिंतामणराव कोल्हटकर (जानेवारी १५, इ.

अक्षर हे भाषेच्या पाच मूलभूत घटकांपैकी (इतर: वर्ण, शब्द, वाक्य व व्याकरण) एक आहे.

जरी ती आत्तापर्यन्त स्वतंत्रपणे स्वताच्या ब्रॅंडने विमान सेवा पुरवत होती तरी तिचे पूर्ण व्यवहार एजियन एअर ग्रुपशी निगडीत होते.

सर्वात जवळील प्राथमिक आरोग्य केंद्र नसरापुर येथे ४ किलोमीटर अंतरावर आहे.

कॉकासस पर्वतरांग ह्याच प्रदेशामध्ये आहे.

१ ते १५ खालील स्तरात १६ ते २६ ही लेणी वरील स्तरात आहेत.

हिंदू धर्माच्या सुरुवातीच्या उपनिषदांमधील भाषा आणि उत्तरार्धातील वैदिक साहित्य शास्त्रीय संस्कृतपर्यंत पोहोचते, तर पुरातन वैदिक संस्कृत बुद्धाच्या काळापर्यंत प्राचीन भारतीय ऋषीमुनींशिवाय सर्वांसाठी दुर्गम झाली होती, असे गोम्ब्रिच सांगतात.

उत्तर प्रदेश मधील नद्या द ओबेरॉय, गुरगांव भारताच्या नवी दिल्ली या राजधानी शहराजवळ व्यवसायाचे केंद्र असणार्‍या गुरगांव येथे आहे.

पण शाहूराजे त्यावेळी वयाने खूपच लहान होते आणि नंतरच्या काळात मोगलांच्या कैदेत होते.

supposing's Usage Examples:

He was with Paul in Jerusalem, and the Jews, supposing that the apostle had brought him into the temple, raised a tumult which.

She was an avowed Christian universalist, believing that ultimately all will receive salvation and restoration in Christ:Traditional doctrines of [err again by supposing either that God does not get what God wants with every human being (God wills all humans to be saved by God's antecedent will) or that God deliberately creates some for ruin.

Jews, supposing that the apostle had brought him into the temple, raised a tumult which resulted in Paul"s imprisonment.

John Harsanyi"s proposal to model games with incomplete information by supposing that each player is characterized by a privately known type that describes.

There these migrants founded the city of Gordoservon, the name of which gives grounds for supposing that among its founders there were Serbs, and was also known under names Gordoserbon and Servochoria.

the phrase "taxation is theft" is question-begging, since it relies on presupposing a particular theory of property entitlement.

publish only foreign news and would not add any comments of her own, supposing her readers to have "sense enough to make reflections for themselves".

NASA webpages; generally supposing that Martian winds have blown dust clear off the probes on Mars, including the solar panels which power them, increasing.

Neschamic conceptions are nowise exempt from this criticism, for, even supposing them identical in any number.

The discrepancy has been explained variously, by supposing the existence of an Egyptian Euphantus, or by amending "III" to "I".

but his vessel was destroyed, to prevent rival European nations from presupposing that the voyage to the East might be easily undertaken, and Portugal"s.

structure of the work is therefore, in his words, "organic rather than chainlike," with all of the book"s earlier parts presupposing the later parts "almost.

In contrast to the original approach, the protection scheme expects the sectors to be readable, supposing the medium to be a copy when read-errors occur.


speculate, say,


distrust, disrespect, exclude,

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