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summary Meaning in marathi ( summary शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)





ढोबळमानाने, संक्षिप्त, एकूण,

summary मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कॉम - मराठी साहित्य संमेलनाच्या अध्यक्षपदावरील वैद्यांच्या भाषणाचा सारांश.

हरिलीला या ग्रंथात भागवताचा ग्रंथसारांश आहे.

त्या आराखड्यात सारांशरूपाने पुढील मुद्दे मांडण्यात आले होते.

फलंदाजी कारकीर्द सारांश:-.

वॉटसन अन्वेषणाचा सारांश करत असल्याच्या पद्धतीने लिहिल्या गेल्या आहेत.

सारांश’ कथा-संग्रहाला महाराष्‍ट्र सरकारचा ‘उत्कृष्‍ट वाड‍्मय पुरस्कार’.

सारांश, राष्ट्रीय, महाराष्ट्रीय आणि मानवी अशा तिहेरी दृष्टीने या पुस्तकांची केलेली रचना जाणकारांना प्रतीत होईल.

सारांश आणि मुख्य मांडणी.

बुखारीच्या उम्म 'अब्दुल्लाह बिंत मरास, मुहम्मद इब्न हमजा आणि मोहम्मद इब्न मुहम्मद यांच्या फिह्रिस्ट मुआननाफत अल-बुखारी मधील बुखारीच्या उपलब्ध कामांच्या चर्चेचा सारांश खाली आहे.

शाहजी राजांच्या जीवनाचे परिक्षण करुन व पाठाचा मराठी सारांश देऊन राजवाडेंनी हा ग्रंथ प्रकाशित केला.

मत्तय कृत शुभवर्तमान २६वा अध्याय सारांश .

summary's Usage Examples:

division summary(SOCCERWAY)1.

Plot summary (revised edition)A series of adventures begins for the Hardy Boys and their friends Chet and Biff after they are invited to spend Christmas vacation on Cabin Island at the invitation of its owner, Mr.

ReferencesExternal linksA summary and brief review is available from Case Western Reserve University's Department of English.


Plot summaryCelia Amonte (Milos) is a Portuguese American widow who lives in New Bedford, Massachusetts with her daughter Vicky (Rossum); her late husband was a fisherman lost at sea.

ReferencesExternal linksPerry's web siteCharles Perry's autobiography summaryMathworld: DodecahedronStackable Perry Chair at KI1929 births2011 deathsAmerican sculptorsModern sculptors is a series of video game ports, remakes, and compilations published by Sega.

Plot summaryKatya Yarno is a window dresser for Horne's department store who specializes in displays with sexy, slightly kinky themes.

Plot summaryA cat named Pufftail (he says that he truly has no name) tells his life story to his daughter Tabitha and his grandson.

Service summaryReferencesExternal linksOld photograph of the station from 1952 - flickr.

The libretto has survived in numerous forms—two printed versions, seven manuscript versions or fragments, and an anonymous scenario, or summary, related to the original production.

Plot summaryThe plot centers on a young marine biology student named Adam Eddington, who travels to the remote island Gaea off the coast of Portugal for a summer job working for a famous scientist, Calvin O'Keefe.

Evelyn-White, 1914; Project Gutenberg edition*Proklos' summary of the Epic Cycle translated by Gregory NagyPrint editions (Greek):*A.

non-parametric statistics, called a "seven-figure summary", including the extremes, deciles, and quartiles, along with the median.


line score, overview, capitulation, rundown, condensation, sum-up, abstract, summing up, sketch, roundup, survey, abridgment, summation, literary argument, statement, compendium, CV, precis, resume, curriculum vitae, abridgement, outline, conspectus, capsule, argument, synopsis,


concrete, representational, diminution, augmentation, truth,

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