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summating Meaning in marathi ( summating शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


त्याची बेरीज निश्चित करणे,



summating मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या संस्था अर्ध-न्यायिक आहेत आणि त्यांना समन्स आणि हजेरी लागू करण्यासाठी किंवा प्रतिज्ञापत्रावर किंवा अन्यथा दस्तऐवजांचा शोध आणि उत्पादन आवश्यक करण्यासाठी दिवाणी न्यायालयासारखे ठोस अधिकार आहेत.

▪️ टीआरपी घोटाळ्याप्रकरणी रिपब्लिक टीव्हीचे मुख्य वित्त अधिकारी शीवा सुब्रमण्यम सुंदरम यांना मुंबई पोलिसांच्या क्राइम ब्रांचचे समन्स.

मुंबई उच्च न्यायालयाच्या इमारतीमध्ये नगरपाल यांचे कार्यालय असून न्यायालयाच्या वतीने समन्स बजाविणे, लिलाव करणे, परदेशी व्यक्तींचे स्वागत करणे आणि नामवंत व्यक्तींच्या निधनानंतर शोकसभा आयोजित करणे असे नगरपालांचे कार्य असते.

(२) त्यांना कुणालाही हजर राहण्यासाठी समन्स बजावता येईल/कोणत्याही प्रकारचे कागदपत्र मागविता येतील/कोणत्याही कार्यालयातून कागदपत्र मागविता येतील.

summating's Usage Examples:

world-order nearer, a universal justice, the real civilisation, the consummating life, the days that would justify the Martyrdom of Man.

be specifically targeted to end organs as well as becoming part of a summating systemic response.

mission; where there is no physical danger, a happy ending may be lovers consummating their love despite various factors which might have thwarted it.

Inspector Lee pieces the whole case together, summating that Wong murdered Cheng Lam and his family before stealing his restaurant.

large compared to the length, this estimate can be further refined by summating it over N number of wire turnings/coils at different positions along z.

The two end up physically consummating their emotional relationship, including a getaway to the Florida Keys before Tally’s move to Philadelphia.

the fait accompli and recognized Alexander as king of Imereti, thereby consummating the dissolution of the Kingdom of Georgia.

a rejected bride posing as another woman to deceive her husband into consummating their marriage.

Radio Acquisition Company, with the sale consummating on December 7, 1989.

She avoided consummating the marriage by claiming to be sick.

The change in the potential is called the summating potential.

At the same time that a given postsynaptic neuron is receiving and summating excitatory neurotransmitter, it may also be receiving conflicting messages.

hearing can be measured at the round window as cochlear microphonics and summating potential (of the cochlea), and compound action potential and single-fibre.


sum, total, tally, add up, add, numerate, tot, sum up, tot up, add together, count, enumerate, number, tote up,


gain, loss, fractional, incomplete, disagree,

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