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skulk Meaning in marathi ( skulk शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कवटी, लपविण्यासाठी, ( भित्र्यासारखा ) लपून बसलेला,


काम टाळा, गुप्त बाबींमध्ये प्रवेश करणे,

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skulk मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

डिसेंबर 1878 मध्ये, टेस्लाने ग्राझ सोडले आणि शाळा सोडल्याची सत्यता लपविण्यासाठी त्याने आपल्या कुटुंबाशी असलेले सर्व संबंध तोडले.

कदाचित हे मुद्दामच दास ह्या शब्दाला मिळालेल्या गुलामीच्या अर्थाला लपविण्यासाठी केले गेले असावे.

तसेच सहसा उघड्या राहणाऱ्या गोष्टी लपविण्यासाठी केला जातो.

अज्ञातवासाच्या काळात द्रौपदीने आपली ओळख लपविण्यासाठी सैरंध्री हे नाव वापरले होते.

skulk's Usage Examples:

who never left the position, never complained, never quit, never skulked.

Three scenarists have crammed the plot with enough skulking and double-talk to rival an.

They also possess black bills and legs and are skulking birds.

They are skulkers of reed beds, walking in a crouched posture with head extended forward.

A reclusive and shabby-looking monk skulks the streets of Jinan, reciting aloud sutras and begging for alms; however.

He considered such people to be skulking coward[s] who yet contain enough perfidious energy to strike back, but not enough courage ever to give warning.

Disenchanted by racism and poverty, Robinson joined a gang that skulked about the intersection of Vine and Central, in what is now the Old City.

Bavaria, in which he had denounced male students not serving in the army as skulkers and had also made obscene remarks to female students.

This robin-chat skulks in dense foliage in the forest canopy.

While trying to find some reason why Ruston would have been skulking in the fog near the apartments and brandishing a gun, Valens meets Alice Willows again after her dog passes away and she has him buried with all of his toys at a nearby pet cemetery.

now "the Apostle from Hell!" Hyde, complete with fangs and scraggy hair, skulks through the city committing such heinous acts as stealing a woman"s purse.

Like the rufous-vented grass babbler, this species skulks low in grass tussocks, hopping and threading its way through, often in small.

noble dotard, was ashamed of her sudden and gaudy bravery, and for a while skulked up and down the house, till the fawning observance and reverences of her.


conceal, lurk, hide,


express, convey, sneer, show,

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