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skulls Meaning in marathi ( skulls शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कवट्या, डोके, कवटी, रिंग, कपाळ, खारपार,


डोके, कवटी, रिंग, कपाळ, खारपार,

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skulls मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

-लक्षणांमध्ये उच्च ताप, डोकेदुखी, पुरळ आणि स्नायू आणि संयुक्त वेदना यांचा समावेश आहे.

यानंतर तो खाली नतमस्तक होतो ज्याला रुकू म्हणतात, नंतर तो उभा राहतो ज्याला क्वमा म्हणतात, नंतर त्याचे डोके साष्टांग नमस्कार करतो.

जमिनीलगत असलेल्या लहान भोकातून डोके आत घालून सर्व शरीर आत ओढून घ्यावे लागते.

JPG|तस्कर सापाचे डोके.

निःक्षेत्रीं झाल्यावर, म्लेंच्छें केलें डोकें वर । आले सिंधुनदावर, स्वार्याि केल्या वारोंवार ।.

आर्थिक विवंचनेतून कुठे सुटका होते, तोपर्यंत संपादकीय आणि व्यवस्थापकीय समस्या डोके वर काढत.

डोके, मध्यभाग आणि लांब शेपटी असे त्यांचे तीन भाग असतात.

तर राखाडी गोवंशाचे डोके, मान आणि खांद्याच्या भागात गडद राखाडी ते काळा रंग असतो आणि उर्वरित भागात हलका राखाडी रंग असतो.

डोके आणि गळा तांबूस असून गळ्यावर पांढरा डाग नसतो.

वराही किंवा वैराली हे वराहाचे सामर्थ्य आहे, विष्णूचे तिसरे आणि वराहयुक्त डोके.

ज्या अक्षराखाली आडवी रेष ॒ असते ती अक्षरे म्हणताना म्हणणारी व्यक्ती आपले डोके खाली वाकवते.

ई जीवनसत्त्वाच्या गोळ्या अधिक प्रमाणात खाल्ल्यास काही वर्षांनंतर वाढता रक्तदाब, डोकेदुखी, डोळे कमजोर होणे अशा आरोग्यविषयक समस्या उद्भवू शकतात.

skulls's Usage Examples:

Skull Adelospondyls had somewhat long and low skulls, with large orbits (eye sockets) shifted towards the front of the skull.

Taxonomy Analysis of South China tiger skulls showed that they differ in shape from tiger skulls of other regions.

Europoids with largely dolichocephalic skulls.

December 15, 1954, on a tenant farm near Robeson Memorial Hospital, "five mediumsized pigs and three chickens" were found dead, with "crushed skulls [.

characterised by their gloomy meditations on mortality, "skulls and coffins, epitaphs and worms" elicited by the presence of the graveyard.

Heirloom jars, brassware and old human skulls obtained during raids or trade sojourns, if still kept, are cleaned and displayed.

And at the triumph of their death, scorched by the sun of their own divinity, in the serene mist from their ashen skulls, we dance.

birth and are often taller, heavier, and have relatively large skulls (macrocephaly) than is normal for their age.

and Jameson schools his son on the proper way to kill them: crush their windpipes with a boot, and if they survive, crush their skulls with a baseball bat.

There were also skulls, brainpans and bones which have been found inside the site.

Hands-on tasks conducted during this test include using an identification key to identify wildlife pelts, skulls, footprints, and calls/sounds; and using Global Positioning System to track tagged specimens.

browni skulls were compared to ratios of modern nocturnal and diurnal anthropoids in Rasmussen.

case in a number of places, he provided prima facia evidence, as yet unrefuted, that Morton did indeed mismeasure his skulls in ways that conformed to.


os zygomaticum, eye socket, vomer, head, brainpan, jugal bone, orbit, os sphenoidale, zygomatic, caput, braincase, orbital cavity, jaw, craniometric point, sphenoid, os, axial skeleton, cheekbone, bone, cranial orbit, sphenoid bone, malar bone, cranium, endocranium, zygomatic bone, malar,


periapsis, point of periapsis, praise, boneless, black,

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