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skirmishing Meaning in marathi ( skirmishing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चकमकी, दंगा,

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skirmishing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

यांनी दिग्दर्शित केलेले मी नथुराम गोडसे बोलतोय हे नाटक विषयावरून उठलेल्या वादंगांमुळे लक्षणीय ठरले.

भाऊचा पंगा, अमेरिकेत दंगा.

- समा, स्त्रोतगता, गोपुच्छा मृदंगा व पिपिलिका.

उदाहरणार्थ : 'दंगा, झांज, बंड, खंत, संप' हे शब्द 'दङ्गा, झाञ्ज, बण्ड, खन्त, सम्प' असे लिहू नयेत.

टाळमृदंगाच्या गजरात व विठ्ठलाच्या नामघोषात वारकऱ्यांच्या दिंड्या एकादशीच्या आदल्या दिवशी पंढरपुरात दाखल होतात.

मॅच फिक्सिंग वादंगामुळे भारतीय क्रिकेटला खूप जास्त नकारात्मकतेने वेढले होते.

टीव्ह एक बस येते पण, ती थांबतच नाही याच कारणावरून दंगा सुरू होतो.

व त्यांने ज्योती बसु ह्यांचा नाव वादंगामध्ये घेतल्या मुळे सुद्धा बोस ह्यांनी चॅटर्जींवर टीका केली.

घातक शक्तीच्या आधी वापरलेल्या प्राणघातक उपाययोजनांमध्ये पाणीचे तोफे, धूर धुवून धूर, दंगाची चोचण आणि रबर गोळ्या असतात.

१९८९: शरणबसप्पा माळी पाटील दंगापूर:भारतीय राष्ट्रीय काँग्रेस.

भरत मुनींच्या नाट्यशास्त्र या ग्रंथात मृदंगाच्या अनेक रूपांचा उल्लेख आहे.

ते मुख्यमंत्र्यांना फोन लावून सांगतात की येथील दंगा थांबवा म्हणून,पण मुख्यमंत्री बलराज चव्हाण हे अतिशय भ्रष्टाचारी मंत्री असतात.

skirmishing's Usage Examples:

graciousness, imagining, infinite, joining, knightly, lure, Mantuan, paper-white, penful, presenting, radevore, reclaiming, renownee, ruled, seemliness, skirmishing.

Some units or battalions that historically held a skirmishing role have kept their designation.

Why don"t you come? Huzza! huzza for Texas!" The battle took the form of skirmishing for several hours.

Such tactics are collectively called skirmishing.

Early on the morning of 3 August, Lévis and the Canadians blocked the road between Edward and William Henry, skirmishing with the recently arrived Massachusetts militia.

while also skirmishing with Zionist and British forces, and internal conflicts continue to the present day.

historically held a skirmishing role have kept their designation "light infantry" for the sake of tradition.

It ensued in skirmishing in which several demonstrators and four police officers were killed.

several hours of skirmishing between opposing bands of arquebusiers and an ineffectual artillery exchange, after which d"Avalos ordered a general advance.

army had marched little over a mile before the Irish shot (musketeers and caliver-men) began skirmishing with the rear of Harrington"s force.

The battle opened with several hours of skirmishing between opposing bands of arquebusiers and an ineffectual artillery exchange.

the fight was the severest, and the few men of the 42nd Regiment were skirmishing so close to the enemy (who were in great numbers), that some of the men.

On the third day, as skirmishing continued, the division of Maj.


fight, contretemps, fighting, clash, brush, combat, scrap, encounter,


uncover, dirty, stand still, fauna, agreement,

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