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sizars Meaning in marathi ( sizars शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



पन्नग, सरडा,

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sizars मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

:आयोजक: पेमराज सरडा महाविद्यालय, अहमदनगर.

सरडा विविध रंगांमध्ये आढळतो.

सरडा हे प्राणी वाळवी खातात.

उघड्यावर फिरणारे बेडूक, साप, पाल, सरडा किंवा उंदीर यांची सुद्धा ती क्षणांत शिकार करते.

पाल, सरडा, घोयरा यांसारख्या सरपटणाऱ्या प्राण्यांशी घोरपडीचे नाते जवळचे आहे.

थोडक्यात "वर्म" नावाचे बहुतेक प्राणी अपृष्ठवंशी असतात, परंतु हा शब्द 'उभयचर कॅसिलियन', 'पाय नसलेला सरडा' आणि स्लोवॉर्मसाठी देखील वापरला जातो.

साप : या अभयारण्यात अजगर, घोणस, घोरपड, धामण, फुरसे, लाल तोंडाचा सरडा, वगैरे साप आहेत.

सरडा, साप, पक्षी आणि सस्तन प्राणी तुलनेने अधिक काळ झोपतात.

# सरडा व साप या सारखे सरपटणारे प्राणी.

'एक मगर', त्यानंतर 'दोन वारा', 'तीन घर', 'चार सरडा', असे होत होत शेवटी 'तेरा वेत' ही तारीख येते.

sizars's Usage Examples:

College (where he was awarded first an Ash exhibition and subsequently a sizarship).

Sterne attended Jesus College, Cambridge on a sizarship where he earned a bachelor"s degree and a master"s degree.

there were specific endowments for specific numbers of sizars who were called "proper sizars"; those who were not so endowed, but who were maintained.

means: the generally accepted fee scale appears to have been six pence for sizars, two shillings for pensioners, and three shillings and four pence for fellow.

He subsequently won a sizarship to Trinity College Dublin.

fellow-commoners, gentleman-commoners, scholars, commoners, pensioners, sizars, battelers and servitors wore black gowns of decreasing flamboyance based.

He obtained a sizarship by examination at Trinity College, Dublin, on 22 March 1777; was awarded.

The bulk of his fortune, less an endowment for a sizarship at Caius College, was bequeathed to one of his nephews, Charles Moss,.

He was elected to sizarship in 1889 and to a scholarship in 1890.

He gained a sizarship of classics at Trinity College, Dublin in 1883, became a Scholar of the.

money applied to their use, to the support of a number of poor lads as sizars, and to provide premiums for persons of merit, for I would have them go.

He entered Trinity College, Dublin with a sizarship and then in 1865 gained a scholarship.

His early journalism brought him support from William Burdon, and a sizarship at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

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