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sizers Meaning in marathi ( sizers शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आकारमान, निकष,

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sizers मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कुटुंबाची शेती पाच एकरापेक्षा जास्त नसावी असाही निकष आहे.

पात्रता निकष: पात्रता अंतर ६.

महाराष्ट्र शासनाने हा पुरस्कार प्रदान करण्यासाठी खालील निकष व अटी ठरवलेल्या आहेत.

निवडीचा एकमेव निकष म्हणजे विश्वस्त किंवा मंत्री किंवा राजकीय वजनदार, सामान्यत: संस्थेशी संबंधित असलेल्या शिफारशी किंवा संदर्भ.

पुरुष चरित्रलेख पतमानांकन हे ठरावीक निकषांवर ग्राहकाची पत जोखून त्यांचे एका मोजपट्टीवर केलेले मूल्यांकन होय.

विकासाच्या मोजमापासाठी वेगळे (सहसा अंमूर्त किंवा संकल्पनात्मक) निकष लावावे लागतात.

निकष वापरून शब्द मांडलेले असतात.

योग्य-अयोग्यतेचे निकष न लावता वैचारिक पातळीवर त्याचा पुनर्विचार अपेक्षित आहे.

१२ पेक्षा कमी ॲथलीट पात्रता निकष पार करू शकले तर सर्वात लांब भालाफेक करणारे पहिले १२ ॲथलीट अंतिम फेरीत प्रवेश करतील.

त्याने पुढील काळातील इतिहास संशोधकांसाठी ऐतिहासिक घटना मानवी जीवनाशी संबंधित असाव्यात असा निकष लावून दिला.

'राष्ट्रीय डेरी विकास बोर्डाच्या (NDDB)' निकषानुसार हा मशागतीचा गोवंश म्हणून ओळखला जातो.

पात्रता निकष: पात्रता कामगिरी १४.

sizers's Usage Examples:

vintage synthesizers, and lo-fi melodies, including chillwave, glo-fi, and hypnagogic pop.

contemporary band sound without using keyboard synthesizers (following Howe"s disgruntlement with the predominance of keyboards in his former group Asia).

which uses synthesizers and incorporates themes related to space or otherworldliness; it is also used as a German analogue to the English term "space rock".

A spirited fellow at length caused the abolition of the practice of the sizers acting as waiters, and that, too, on grand occasions before the public,.

A similar design was adopted in poly synthesizers released more than 30 years later by Robert Moog and ARP.

A dance-pop and techno-pop song with elements of bhangra music, Toxic features varied instrumentation, such as drums, synthesizers and surf guitar.

Record producer and composer, Loris Holland, co-produced some of the albums gospel flavored tracks, including Silent Night, where he arranged the backing vocals and synthesizers.

and "a return to their maximalist tendencies, piling on drum machines, chintzy synthesizers, over-the-top raps, and nu-metal guitars".

However, with the rise of synthesizers in popular music since, the Epoxies are often compared to acts such as The Bravery and The Killers, leading the band to wonder if they are not accomplishing their objectives by being overly cool instead.

Duophonic synthesizers, such as the ARP Odyssey and Formanta Polivoks built in the 1970s and.

swerves into new territory: synthesizers float, electronic fuzz blasts and flutters, and a mid-tempo guitar riff sounds almost ready for the dance floor.

Chart performancePersonnelAndy Bell – vocalsVince Clarke – synthesizers, programmingSy-Jenq Cheng – DesignMike Cosford – PaintingsJohn Dexter – Arranger, ConductorLuke Gifford – Assistant EngineerNorman Hathaway – DesignAndy Houston – EngineerRob Kirwan – Assistant EngineerPhil Legg – Engineer, MixingKevin Metcalfe – EditingSt.

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