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sixty Meaning in marathi ( sixty शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

साठ, सहावा,

sixty मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पोप बेनेडिक्ट सहावा (९७२–९७४).

दंडिया (सहावारी साडी).

परशुराम:- विष्णूचा सहावा अवतार.

लोकसंखेच्या दृष्टीने जगात पाकिस्तान चा सहावा क्रमांक लागतो.

जेफ्री आर्चर यांचे साहित्य ॲंड देरबाय हॅंग्ज अ टेल (And Thereby Hangs a Tale) हा ब्रिटिश लेखक जेफ्री आर्चर ह्याने लिहिलेला सहावा कथासंग्रह आहे.

बंगळूर (पहिला दिवस), चेन्नई (दुसरा दिवस), पुडुचेरी (तिसरा दिवस), तंजावर (चौथा दिवस), मदुराई (पाचवा दिवस), तिरुवनंतपुरम (सहावा दिवस), अलेप्पी व कोची (सातवा दिवस) व बंगळूरला परती (आठव दिवस) असा हा कार्यक्रम चालतो.

असे मानले जाते की पश्चिम चालुक्य शासक त्रिभुवनमल्ल विक्रमादित्य - सहावा याने या ठिकाणी किल्ला बांधला होता ज्याला त्रिभुवनगिरी असे नाव देण्यात आले.

२०] - भगवान विष्णूंचा सहावा अवतार .

मराठ्यांच्या इतिहासाची साधने खंड ११ शिवकाल (सहसंपादक - सर्जेराव भामरे) (मूळ खंड सहावा), राजवाडे संशोधन मंडळ धुळे, २००९.

|पॉल सहावा Papa PAULUS Sextus.

मुलास सहावा किंवा आठवा मास आणि कन्येस पाचवा किंवा इतर विषम मास अन्नप्राशनास योग्य आहेत.

अकरावा ग्रेगरी निघन पावल्यानंतर पुढील पोप अर्बन सहावा ह्याने रोम येथेच राहणे पसंद केले व पोपची गादी पुन्हा एकदा रोममध्ये आली.

sixty's Usage Examples:

The sixty-nine weeks of prophetic years are then considered to terminate with the death of Christ in 32/3 CE.

a sixty-fourth note are very rarely used, though the hundred twenty-eighth note—otherwise known as the semihemidemisemiquaver—and even shorter notes.

Jarvis, British Railways ordered the rebuilding of sixty locomotives to a more conventional design at Eastleigh between 1957 and 1961.

The Type 85 had twelve klystrons that could be mixed to produce sixty output frequencies, but only four of the klystrons were used in peacetime, in.

values, as the protocol supports caching for up to sixty-eight years or no caching at all.

main biological interest of this site lies in the sixty-seven species of cranefly which have been recorded in areas of alder carr and fen.

The cluster has sixty members of seventh magnitude or fainter, and is better appreciated in larger telescopes.

The SS Cawarra was a paddle-steamer that sank on 12 July 1866 in Newcastle harbour, New South Wales, Australia sending sixty people to their deaths.

claimed to be sixty, younger than the more than seventy years of age he guesstimated he actually was, so he could become part of the crew on the Hato.

when seed fell on good earth it grew, yielding thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.

Near the point of surrender, Hutchinson described how they were agreeably surprised by seeing a wall of rock about fifty or sixty feet [fifteen to eighteen metres] high, which stretched across the ravine, and from the top of it leapt the brook which had so long been [their] companion.

The city of Lisbon at the time of arrival consisted of sixty thousand families, including the refugees who had.


cardinal, 60, lx, threescore,


135th, 60th, quadrillionth, unimportant, ordinal,

sixty's Meaning in Other Sites