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sit down Meaning in marathi ( sit down शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

खाली बसा, नाकाबंदी सुरू करा, विश्रांती घेणे, विराम द्या,

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sit down मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कालिचरण चकमा, एक शेतकरी आणि घरातला कमावता सदस्य यांनी म्हटले आहे की तिघाना डोळे आणि हात बांधून घराजवळच्या विहिरापाशी खाली बसायला सांगितले होते.

दिलेले जीवन कठिण आहे जेव्हा आपण उठता तेव्हा आपण खाली बसायला लागे.

sit down's Usage Examples:

Kotashaan's trainer, Richard Mandella said: He didn't stand up for a second and sit down again, he half pulled up.

to be cooked on-the-spot (as is expected from a traditional "sit down" restaurant).

Watt) with publishers, and acted as a strict taskmaster, often obliging his collaborators to sit down and work together and keeping them on a tight.

The band did not sit down and preconceive the album as a change in style, but rather relaxed and took their time.

This marks the second attempt by the MTA at offering free transit downtown, following a fourteen-block free-ride zone that began in 1974 but has since been discontinued.

against the General Motors Corporation, workers used the tactic of the sit down strike.

approach the tomb; but if you are honest and from worthy stock, sit down in confidence and, if you like, fall asleep, or in this 19th century rhyming translation.

marked as centripetal such as bədʊnə̃kɛ "sit down!" have a more friendly hortative tone than imperatives marked as centrifugal.

where you can sit down to fifteen rows of green seat shells without backrests.

The services became a meeting place for rock bands in the 1960s, including the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix, as it provided a convenient place to sit down and eat a meal in the early hours of the morning.

intend to sit down and write a real Stones song - you know, "Blechhh! You cruddy piece of shit, you dirty old scrub box!" But obviously, that"s not the way.

He hated playing outside, and preferred to sit down with a pencil, creating and exploring his own world.


sit, change posture,


arise, gather, unfold,

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