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sit for Meaning in marathi ( sit for शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

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sit for मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कालिचरण चकमा, एक शेतकरी आणि घरातला कमावता सदस्य यांनी म्हटले आहे की तिघाना डोळे आणि हात बांधून घराजवळच्या विहिरापाशी खाली बसायला सांगितले होते.

दिलेले जीवन कठिण आहे जेव्हा आपण उठता तेव्हा आपण खाली बसायला लागे.

sit for's Usage Examples:

In the same year, an extra Secondary Upper Six was operated to make places available for students who planned to sit for the revised Hong Kong University Matriculation Examination.

destination, and transit for sexually trafficked persons.

The original F59PH was designed in consultation with GO Transit for commuter operation in Toronto.

The byelection was fought due to the double Election, chose to sit for Dundalk of the incumbent Home Rule MP, Philip Callan.

Broadcasting 1979 City Visit for 4-channel tape 1980 Passage for bass flute and stereophony To Rain and Wind for koto, percussion and live electronics Personnage.

value is considered by some to give an approximate indication of the combustibility and deposit forming tendencies of the fuel.

Clementi was also proxime accessit for the Chancellor's Latin Essay prize in 1899, and obtained his M.

especially for children who visit for picnics.

a visit for your old murthering actions, which if you would evite, we straitly charge and command you, upon your perill to repair that stone, by laying.

Members sit for staggered terms lasting six years, with elections every year with about a third of the 233 designates up for election every two years.

troisième class, students sit for le diplôme national du brevet, an end-of-collège examination.

It is one of the best churches to visit for a pilgrimage in the Philippines during the Holy Week.

To sit for an exam, the candidate needs at least 3 years of daily 8 hours work experience.


sit-down strike, strike, work stoppage,


miss, gladden, lose, defend,

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