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sister Meaning in marathi ( sister शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



नर्स, सहकारी, भावंड, मैत्रीण, बहीण,

sister मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

यामधे बहीण भाउरायाचे औक्षण करून त्याला राखी बांधते.

ग्रीक महाकाव्ये आर्टेमिस ही ग्रीक देवता सर्वोच्च ग्रीक देव झ्यूस याची कन्या आणि आरोग्य व धनुर्विद्येचा देव अपोलो याची जुळी बहीण होती.

भारत आपले वडील स्टेशन मास्तर गौतम (वय ३६) आणि बहीण गुडिया (वय ५) यांचा शोध घेण्याकरिता पुन्हा निर्वासित छावणीत जातो.

उर्मिला ही मिथिलाचा राजा जनक आणि राणी सुनयना यांची मुलगी आणि सीतेची धाकटी बहीण आहे.

1 9 32: सूसी सोराबजी, क्रिश्चियन-पार्से एज्युकेशनल ऑफ वेस्टर्न इंडिया: ए मेमोइर (लंडन: ऑक्सफोर्ड युनिव्हर्सिटी प्रेस) (तिच्या शिक्षणाची बहीण, सुसी सोराबजी यांचे चरित्र).

यानंतर अलेक्झांडर आपली आई आणि सख्खी बहीण क्लिओपात्रा यांच्यासमवेत मॅसेडोनिया सोडून एपिरसला निघून गेला.

ती सर्वात मोठी होती आणि तिला दोन भाऊ, चांद बहादूर कौल आणि वनस्पतिशास्त्रज्ञ, कैलास नाथ कौल आणि एक बहीण, स्वरूप काथजू होते.

संत मुक्ताबाई संत ज्ञानेश्वरांची लहान बहीण.

सिसिलियाची जुळी बहीण इसोबेल जॉइस तिच्याबरोबर महिला संघातून खेळते.

मोठी बहीण व्हीनस विल्यम्स हीच सेरेनाची दुहेरीमध्ये जोडीदार राहिली आहे.

बहीण भावाचे, अर्धपशूचे, कृष्ण व दुधाचे माठ घेऊन जाणाऱ्या गवळणी, रामायणातील वनवासाचा एक प्रसंग अशी शिल्पे आहेत.

हिची मोठी बहीण अनास्तासिया रोडियोनोव्हासुद्धा टेनिस खेळाडू असून या बहिणी दुहेरी स्पर्धांमध्ये एकत्र भाग घेतात.

sister's Usage Examples:

From November 1936, Tenryū was paired with her sister ship Tatsuta in the 10th Cruiser Squadron of the IJN 3rd Fleet, replacing the cruiser .

9's HD2 subchannel, which has since been replaced with an HD relay of sister AM station WJYI, which has a Christian/brokered programming format.

It was occupied by KTVU (no relation to the present-day Oakland-based sister station of KICU), a short-lived independent station that signed on the air on December 18, 1953.

Personal lifeKwok has five older brothers and three younger sisters.

on "straight face", but our sister project Wiktionary does: Read the Wiktionary entry on "straight face" You can also: Search for Straight face in Wikipedia.

Among the arrestees were Krausert's wife and his wife's sister, who were extremely distressed.

In the autumn of 1878, diphtheria swept through the Hesse household, killing Elizabeth's youngest sister, Marie on 16 November, as well as her mother Alice on 14 December.

The film was about the making of her sister Samira's film At Five in the Afternoon.

'Leslie has twin sisters Jana " Janet who are 22 months younger than Leslie.

Komand'r is set to become the primary antagonist of the upcoming third season, with the intent of defeating her softhearted younger sister personally.

The case became a curiosity in the Norwegian media as some of the money was channelled into the church internet site, which, among other things, contained a set of prayers for earthworms – described in such odd terms as the blind subterranean workers, small sisters and brothers in the compost and members of the subterranean congregation.

Prior to the album's recording, Mariah and her sister, Alison Carey had a falling out in their relationship.

an article on "lambent", but our sister project Wiktionary does: Read the Wiktionary entry on "lambent" You can also: Search for Lambent in Wikipedia to.


half sister, half-sister, sis, little sister, female sibling, stepsister, big sister,


attend, stay in place, succeed, male sibling, brother,

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