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sisterhood Meaning in marathi ( sisterhood शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बहीणभाव, बहिणाबाई, महिला समाज, महिला समाज, बहिणीचे नाते,


महिला-समाज, बहिणाबाई, महिला समाज, बहिणीचे नाते,

sisterhood मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१८८२मध्ये पंडिता रमाबाई यांच्या आर्य महिला समाजाची सुरुवात ही प्रार्थना समाजाच्या आश्रयाने झाली.

महिला समाजात कोणत्याही सार्वजनिक कामात भूमिका घेत नव्हत्या.

त्यांनी मुंबई मध्ये आर्य महिला समाजाची स्थापना केली.

धरमपेठ महिला समाज व हे वाचनालय या दोन्ही संस्था एकत्र येऊन २८ जुलै १९५६ मध्ये ’हर्णे महिला समाजा’ची स्थापना झाली.

दिग्दर्शन, अभिनय, लेखन, निर्मिती ही बक्षिसे हर्णे महिला समाजाला मिळत.

बालविवाह, पुनर्विवाहास बंदी यांसारख्या घातक चालीरीती व दुष्ट रूढींपासून समाजास मुक्त करण्याच्या उद्देशाने त्यांनी प्रथम पुण्यात व नंतर अहमदनगर,सोलापूर, ठाणे, मुंबई, पंढरपूर, बार्शी या ठिकाणी ‘आर्य महिला समाजाची स्थापना केली.

१९३८ साली काही महिलांनी ‘धरमपेठ महिला समाज’ नावाची संस्था सुरू केली.

त्याबरोबर त्या आर्य महिला समाजाचे कामही मनापासून करीत.

१८८१ : आर्य महिला समाजाची स्थापना; पंडिता रमाबाई ह्यांचाशी परिचय; मिस हरफर्डची इंग्रजी शिकवणी सुरू.

‘हर्णे महिला समाज’ ही पश्‍चिम नागपुरातील साहित्यिक स्त्रीसंस्था नाही, परंतु साहित्य म्हणजे काय, हे समजावून देण्याचे काम ती हिरिरीने करते.

१८८३ साली त्या आर्य महिला समाजाच्या वतीने वैद्यकीय शिक्षण घेण्यासाठी इंग्लंडला गेल्या.

sisterhood's Usage Examples:

To maintain the bond of sisterhood with alumnae members through communication, consultation, and participation in Sorority functions.

Isabella had a particularly close relationship with the latter, developing into something of a sisterhood.

earned a sisterhood and they"ve earned each other"s trust; they"re the lynchpins of the Unity Squad at this point.

brother/sisterhood of all people, were welcomed by those for whom the partialist view or predestination were no longer acceptable.

Toll the world to thy chantry; Sing to the bats" sleek sisterhoods Full complines with gallantry: Then, owls and bats, Cowls and twats, Monks and nuns,.

They went through a year-long pledging process during which they developed a strong bond of sisterhood.

more than 70 orthodox asylums for homeless, and it coordinates 300 sisterhoods of mercy.

M base where she nicked it from in case her hated sisterhood ever caught up with her.

Multicultural awareness, as well as community service, the empowerment of women in higher education, friendship and sisterhood were also important aspects of Delta Xi Phi.

dozens of new filial brotherhoods have been created, adding up to the 110 sisterhoods that currently exist.

In exchange they founded a new sisterhood to battle the X-Men, who were hunting Arkea and Lady Deathstrike.

American republics in terms of sisterhood (opposing "primacies" and "maternities").

He discussed struggling in Hollywood as a closeted actor, and talked about how his involvement in the ManKind Project helped him learn about brotherhood, sisterhood, and being part of a community.


Sister, Beguine, sect, religious order, religious sect,


disassociation, separation, consanguinity, affinity,

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