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sink down Meaning in marathi ( sink down शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बुडणे, खाली बसा,

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sink down मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कालिचरण चकमा, एक शेतकरी आणि घरातला कमावता सदस्य यांनी म्हटले आहे की तिघाना डोळे आणि हात बांधून घराजवळच्या विहिरापाशी खाली बसायला सांगितले होते.

दिलेले जीवन कठिण आहे जेव्हा आपण उठता तेव्हा आपण खाली बसायला लागे.

sink down's Usage Examples:

causes the blood to sink down into the lower parts of the body, creating livor mortis.

vulnerable to lordosis, a rare spinal condition in which the spinal muscles grow short, allowing the spine to sink down into the body.

pigments, while liquid inks are limited to dyestuffs, as pigments will sink down in liquid ink (sedimentation).

Those delaminated meta-mafic bodies then sink down, melt, and interact with surrounding.

the North Atlantic Ocean, the water becomes so dense that it begins to sink down through less salty and less dense water.

They would sink down into Andhatamisra, which would remain independently during every Kalpa.

a slow start that year, so they told him, "Hey, man, you"re going to sink down below the Mendoza Line if you"re not careful.

across the northern Atlantic ocean becomes so dense that it begins to sink down through less salty and less dense water.

He was lying on top of the water and had to let himself sink down to the bottom of the tank without breathing and keeping his eye open.

This gives the viewer the impression that the horse appears to sink down in back and rise in front.

of the differential would lift up excessively during acceleration and sink down during braking.

sediments draining off the continent possibly caused the underlying rocks to sink down, creating the embayment.

area of crustal extension undergoing tension, which causes the basin to sink down.


downward, downwards, downwardly,


up, upwardly, upward, upwards,

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