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sinlessness Meaning in marathi ( sinlessness शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


पाप किंवा नैतिक त्रुटीने दबलेली अवस्था, वाईट हे ज्ञान उदासीन आहे,

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sinlessness's Usage Examples:

some sect of fanatics who believed they had reached a state of perfect sinlessness.

the Fall, and that this entailed a loss of original righteousness or sinlessness, as well as concupiscence or selfish desire.

which, at that time was undefined in the Church, maintaining however the sinlessness of Mary throughout her life.

participate in its sin", which shows Christ with post fall humanity but a sinlessness of Adam before the fall Mainstream Adventists believe that Jesus was.

interpreted to mean that the Christian has, in some way, become righteous (by impartation or imputation), in exchange for Jesus" sinlessness.

The sinlessness of Mary refers to the doctrine in which Mary, mother of Jesus chose not to sin.

The South Park children build a church-shaped shack to live in sinlessness, skip school, avoid home as much as possible, and listen earnestly to.

An important verse to note is 2 Cor 5:21, For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (ESV), which has traditionally been interpreted to mean that the Christian has, in some way, become righteous (by impartation or imputation), in exchange for Jesus' sinlessness.

different from the kind used by the Roman Catholic Church) to symbolize the sinlessness of Christ.

However, according to Hill the Gospel of the Nazarenes, adds a clarification to this section stating that it was because of Jesus' sinlessness that John felt he was the one who should be baptized.

clarification to this section stating that it was because of Jesus" sinlessness that John felt he was the one who should be baptized.

Sita to repose in her bosom, in answer to Her appeal, in proof of Her sinlessness.

When they refer to the imputed righteousness of Christ, they are referring to his intrinsic character as well as his life of sinlessness and perfect obedience to God's law on Earth, usually called his active obedience.


status, innocence, whiteness, pureness, purity, cleanness, condition,


abnormality, tonicity, dryness, unsoundness, decline,

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