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sinic Meaning in marathi ( sinic शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



सोनिक, ध्वनी लहरी, त्याशी संबंधित,

sinic मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

द्रव इंधने आवाजाचा वेग हे एक ध्वनी लहरीचा मोजण्याचे एकक आहे.

पालघर जिल्ह्यातील गावे अल्ट्रासाऊंड म्हणजे मानवी श्रवणक्षमतेपेक्षा (ऑडिबल रेंज) जास्त वारंवारता (फ्रेक्वंसी) असणाऱ्या ध्वनी लहरी अल्ट्रासाऊंडचे भौतिक गुणधर्म "सामान्य" (ऐकण्यायोग्य) आवाजापेक्षा वेगळे नसतात, फक्त ते ऐकू येत नाही हा त्यातला फरक असतो.

sinic's Usage Examples:

originally denoted any kind of "popular music" in Japanese, and is the sinic reading of hayariuta, used for commercial music of Edo Period.

Chinese Kuomintang forces took over Taiwan and soon began an effort to sinicise the population.

Minh Mang sinicized ethnic minorities including the Cambodians, in line with Confucianism as he diffused Vietnamese culture with China's Han civilization using the term Han people 漢人 for the Vietnamese.

government has established these settlements in Tibet in an attempt to sinicize the region.

renamed the new Mongol regime in China as the Yuan dynasty and sought to sinicize his image as Emperor of China to win the control of the Chinese people.

It contained a mixture of dimethylarsinic acid (also known as cacodylic acid) and its related salt, sodium cacodylate and water.

However, with the large influx of Han Chinese migrants between the 10th to 13th centuries during the Tang-Song era, the language slowly sinicized and evolved into modern standard Cantonese.

spelled "demitasse", "quadrat", "diener", "hyssop", "macédoine", "basenji", "numnah", "chorion", "nacarat", "sinicize", "hyphaeresis", "taleggio" and "esclandre".

contains five species: Buibui abyssinica Griswold, 2001 – Ethiopia Buibui claviger Griswold, 2001 (type) – Kenya Buibui cyrtata Griswold, 2001 – Congo Buibui.

The Abyssinian ground hornbill or northern ground hornbill (Bucorvus abyssinicus) is an African bird, found north of the equator, and is one of two species.

After the demise of the dynasty, some of its descendants sinicized their clan name to the Chinese surnames Fu (富/傅) or Li (李).

This is said to reflect the fact that the sinicization of Lingnan was most prominent during the Tang Dynasty, which resulted in the Cantonese people having an especially strong affinity to that dynasty.

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