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singleness Meaning in marathi ( singleness शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




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singleness मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

एका आख्यायिके नुसार, पार्वती मातेचा एकटेपणा घालवण्यासाठी कल्पवृक्षा पासून हिची निर्मिती झाली.

भूक, राग, एकटेपणा आणि थकवा हे चारही दारूकडे नेणारे धोक्याचे सिग्नल आहेत.

फॉर्म्युला वन हंगाम समांतर हा अमोल पालेकर यांनी दिग्दर्शित केलेला एक मराठी चित्रपट असून यात उद्योगपती केशव आणि शमा या दोन व्यक्तिरेखांच्या एकटेपणाची कथा आहे.

फ्रान्स वास्तव्यात चित्रदालने, प्रदर्शने, चित्रपट, नाटके भरपूर पाहातानाच ‘एकटेपणाच्या अनुभवातून माणूस म्हणून समृद्ध’ होऊन भारतात परतल्या.

एल म्हणजे लोन्लीनेस-एकटेपणा आणि टी म्हणजे टायर्डनेस-थकवा.

मग मानसिकदृष्टया महिलेमध्ये एकटेपणाची भावना वाढून लागते डिप्रेशन येते.

सामाजिक अंतरणाचे तोटे म्हणजे एकटेपणा, उत्पादकता कमी होणे आणि मानवी संवादाशी असलेले इतर फायदे न मिळणे.

बाळ रडून भूख, बेचैनी, उब किंवा एकटेपणा सारख्या अनेक भावनांना अभिव्यक्त करण्याचे प्रयत्न करत असत.

वृद्धाच्या एकटेपणाची आणि परावलंबित्वाची मोठीच समस्या तिला जाणवू लागली.

singleness's Usage Examples:

Despite this choice, there were signs of both her regret and her embrace of singleness.

relationship with Lucía, and now he will have to live in the new world of singleness.

com quoted a portion of the book in support of his argument that singleness is a spiritual gift that God gives to single people for the period in.

To work with singleness of purpose towards a high and distant goal.

visual field but did not work out the exact shape of the horopter and used singleness of vision as a criterion.

In addition to choosing singleness as a preferential option, there are also those who choose not to marry.

“Andrew,” the name she uses for her father in the book, had a “swordlike singleness of heart,” for the early missionaries, she wrote, were “born warriors.

Morris was respected for his "strict sense of honour" and "simplicity and singleness of heart for which he was remarkable".

God’s design for relationships includes faithful marriage between a man and a woman, celibate singleness and mutual submission in Christian community.

The main appeal in Asher is to follow truth with singleness of faith.

Riasanovsky said that he displayed determination, singleness of purpose, and an iron will, along with a powerful sense of duty and a dedication to very hard work.

Emphasis of the importance of singleness before marriage as a time for greater Christian service in the community.

objects viewed by each eye when both eyes are open), binocular fusion or singleness of vision (seeing one object with both eyes despite each eye"s having.


sincerity, straightforwardness,


indirectness, dilution, insincerity,

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