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singly Meaning in marathi ( singly शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

एकट्याने, एक एक करून, एकटा,



singly मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तृणधान्याच्या पीठामध्ये अंकुरपोष, बीजांकूर, आणि कोंडा (पूर्ण-धान्याचे पीठ) हे सर्व एकत्रित किंवा अंकुरपोष एकटा (परिष्कृत पीठ) समाविष्ट असतात.

त्याच रात्री तेंडुलकरांनी नाटकाचा पहिला अंक एकटाकी लिहून काढला.

कर्कश आवाजात शीळ घालीत जंगलाच्या टापूवर एकटा किंवा जोडीने आढळून येतात.

एकटा आहे कुठे मी? एकटा होतो कधी मी?.

शेतांतून एकटाच फिरत राही.

तो एकटाच त्या ठिकाणी बसला आहे अशा संधीस गावची मुले खेळत खेळत त्याच्या जवळ गेली.

एकटा जंगलात फिरू शकेल का ? खरंच कधी होईल? अली जमानी हे एक इराणी लक्षाधीश आणि उद्योजक आहेत.

यानंतर त्याचा भाऊ, प्रिन्स, एकटा पडतो.

शेवटी आता दुकान जाऊन मॉल बनणारच आहे तर अखेरची रात्र भारत एकटाच त्या हिंद राशन स्टोर मध्ये घालवायचे ठरवतो.

१९४७ चा काळ उभा करणारं आणि शेवटी २०१० मध्ये भारत एकटाच हिंद राशन स्टोर मध्ये फिरतो तेव्हा त्या दुकानाचा अंगावर येणारा जिवंत अनुभव देणारं नेपथ्य देखील अत्युत्तम आहे.

२०१२ साली भरलेल्या या नाट्यमहोत्सवात वर्षा देशपांडे लिखित 'दुर्गे दुर्घट भारी', विजया ब्राह्मणकर लिखित 'सोनेरीसांज' आणि सुनंदा साठे लिखित 'एकटा जीव सदाशिव' या नाटकांनी प्रेक्षकांची दाद मिळविली होती.

singly's Usage Examples:

increasingly surfactant deficiency disorder (SDD), and previously called hyaline membrane disease (HMD), is a syndrome in premature infants caused by developmental.

The corporation determined that the US increasingly needed policy and scholarly expertise in international affairs, and so tied into area studies programs at colleges and universities as well as the Ford Foundation.

stations addressing all interest groups and demographics became increasingly outmoded, as it already had been for some time in several countries.

Politics increasingly began to include openly transgender people.

However, during the 1960s and 1970s, driven by his coverage of both civil rights and the anti-Vietnam War movements, Wills became increasingly liberal.

Doctor Strange, feeling increasingly cut off from his scientist-dominated colleagues, decided to empower himself to perhaps be able to solve the incursions, and so used the Blood Bible to travel to the Sinner's Market, where he sold his soul in exchange for godlike power.

Scholars also noted that big business developed an increasingly close partnership with the Italian Fascist.

With the growth of humanitarian ideals since the Enlightenment, such punishments are increasingly viewed as inhumane in Occidental societies.

There are, however, a few first-class exponents of this art with us"nbsp;– though now that Miss Sayers has, for the moment at any rate, turned moralist and others have entered the easier field of thriller writing there seem to be increasingly few.

becomes increasingly frustrated that his own talents are unrecognised, and unavailingly attempts to win celebrity for himself as "the Crime Doctor.

The Cincinnati Post editorialized Hackett's success in the eastern counties was in part from the increasingly desperate struggle in rural areas to provide enough decent jobs for those who want them.

control and chaos, between reason and insanity, and are capable of melding wickedly crushing heavy metal riffing with surprisingly gentle moments of quiet.


separately, individually, one by one, on an individual basis, severally,

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