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singing Meaning in marathi ( singing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गाणे, प्रवर्तक,

singing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

रघुनाथ धोंडो कर्वे (१८८२-१९५३) : भारतातील संततिनियमनाच्या चळवळीचे आद्य प्रवर्तक, संपादक आणि लेखक.

महानुभाव संप्रदायाचे प्रवर्तक व अवतारस्वरूप चक्रधरस्वामी यांचेही ते गुरू होते.

पुण्यात त्यांची ’नाट्यकला प्रवर्तक’ आणि शाहू नगरवासी’ या नाटक कंपन्यांशी जवळचा संबंध प्रस्थापित झाला.

प्रवर्तक - मुक्तांगण स्वायत्त विद्यापीठ.

त्यांची ही संस्था इंग्रजीत सामाजिक आणि शैक्षणिक विषयांवरची फक्त उच्च दर्जाची विचारप्रवर्तक पुस्तके छापते.

शिंदे हे ’नवमत’ या नवविचार प्रवर्तक मासिकाचे संपादक होते.

युगप्रवर्तक छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांनी आदर्श राज्यव्यवस्था निर्माण केली.

महाराष्ट्रात ख्यालगायनाचे प्रवर्तक म्हणून ओळखले जाणारे गायनाचार्य बाळकृष्णबुवा इचलकरंजीकर हे मिरज, औंध आणि इचलकरंजी येथील राजदरबारात दरबारी राजगायक होते.

नवद्वीपमधील गौडीय वैष्णव पंथाचे प्रवर्तक चैतन्य महाप्रभू व नित्यानंद यांच्या जन्मस्थानी त्यांनी भ्रमण केले.

हा सम्राट विक्रमादित्यचा प्रवर्तक असल्याचे मानले जाते.

युगप्रवर्तक विवेकानंद.

इतिहास बदलण्याची ताकद फक्त युगप्रवर्तकाची.

singing's Usage Examples:

He began playing the piano and singing in nightclubs in Paris, where he met some of the era's best-known performers.

The film concludes with the three women joyfully singing You Don't Own Me.

Dancing, shouting, singing along with the band, and ostentatious displays by the musicians are common, though some very successful rock.

meeting is Esperanto, and the meeting covers diverse activities — tourism, socialising, yoga, choral singing, theatre, computing, using an abacus, Breton language.

The first movement is marked Moderato cantabile molto espressivo ("at a moderate speed, in a singing style, very expressively").

During curfew hours everybody was expected to be in their respective houses singing such holy songs as the so-called “tarahadi”EducationalThere were very few teachers in the town, because teachers were still to be imported from the mainland.

According to Robert Osborne, Power felt Grable's song-and-dance numbers were out of place in the film, but Grable, believing her popularity was based on her singing, dancing, and bare legs, got her way.

The hearty and cheerful nature of the musical number is counterpointed as the children are marched off to their fate as the song ends, singing.

Train by Looptroop – a song about travelling by night train and noticing diffidences caused by time, place and circumstances; Promoe"s singing about his trip.

singing is best known for its beauty of tone, vocal control, and musical perception.

July – George Washington Dixon popularizes "Coal Black Rose" singing in blackface in New York City.

He especially hates the Christmas season, making particular note of how disturbing the various noises of Christmas time are to him, including the singing of Christmas carols.


singalong, solfeggio, a capella singing, yodeling, hymnody, humming, coloratura, part-singing, harmonisation, singsong, intonation, scat singing, vocal music, chanting, scat, caroling, a cappella singing, crooning, vocalizing, solmization, bel canto, psalmody, harmonization, karaoke, musical performance, solfege,


tuneless, unmusical, keep quiet, concealing, dissuasive,

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