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since then Meaning in marathi ( since then शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


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since then मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तेंव्हापासून त्या झाडाला अर्ध्या भागात गोड पाने येऊ लागली.

तेंव्हापासून सुमारे १३०० वर्षे झाली ही मूर्ती तरंगत आहे.

तेंव्हापासून त्यांची चित्रे ’हंस’, ’मोहिनी’, ’नवल’, या मासिकांतून आणि अनेक पुस्तके व नियतकालिकांतून प्रसिद्ध होत राहिली.

तेंव्हापासून १९९१ सालामधील सोव्हियेत संघाच्या विघटनापर्यंत युक्रेनियन सोव्हियेत साम्यवादी गणराज्य हे सोव्हियेत संघातील एक आघाडीचे गणराज्य होते.

निर्मलादेवी १९२५ साली दोन वर्षाच्या होत्या तेंव्हापासून त्यांचे आईवडील त्यांना घेऊन गांधीजींना भेटत असत.

उदाहरणार्थ, वयल्याअंगास (वरील बाजूस), खायल्याअंगास (खालील बाजूस), भायल्याअंगास (बाहेरच्या बाजूला), मंगलीमळीक (मंगल सारखी), मागल्यामळीक (मागील प्रमाणे), तवंम्हेरेन (तेंव्हापासून) अशा विशेषकांचाही या बोलीसंदर्भात स्वतंत्र विचार करता येतो.

तेंव्हापासून उमाजी हे जनतेचे राजे बनले.

तेंव्हापासून व्यापार, वाणिज्य तसेच राजकीय बाबतीत भारताचा इतर दक्षिण-पूर्व एशियन देशावर परिणाम दिसू लागला.

तेंव्हापासूनच ते संघासाठी महत्त्वाचे संघटक व मार्गदर्शक बनले होते.

इंचाच्या नेमक्या लांबीबाबतची पारंपारिक मानके पूर्वी बदलत होती परंतू जुलै १९५९ नंतर, जेंव्हा आंतरराष्ट्रीय यार्डची व्याख्या केल्या गेली, तेंव्हापासून आंतरराष्ट्रीय इंच हा नेमका २५.

since then's Usage Examples:

held in 1950 at Silverstone; since then 73 circuits have hosted a Grand Prix.

He was virtually ever-present for Ireland since then; he has received in total 65 caps and scored 40 points.

It has been modified and expanded since then.

The stadium has been upgraded several times since then; the most recent remodelling was its redevelopment as a football-only stadium in preparation for the 2005 FIFA Confederations Cup and 2006 FIFA World Cup.

Many graves and human remains were also removed since then to prevent people from visiting.

By 1986, he had become the first birder to see a representative of each bird family in the world, though the list of bird families recognized by science has changed considerably since then.

in 1992 – since then it has become a Democratic island in the nation"s "reddest" state.

examples of pathological science; since then, the label has been applied to polywater and cold fusion.

Rich silver and lead ore deposits were found on Keno Hill in 1919, and since then the population.

The midsummer bonfire ceremonies (Tansys Golowan in Cornish) were revived at St Ives in 1929 by the Old Cornwall Society and since then spread to other societies across Cornwall, as far as Kit Hill near Callington.

At the time Rice published his opinion, he was unable to provide any proof; however, since then early drafts of the autobiography have surfaced and prove that parts of the manuscript were either deleted or changed.

In the years since then, the song has been covered numerous times, most notably by the Dramatics in 1974, Freddie Jackson in 1992 and Michael Bublé in 2007.


and so, so, and then,


end, beginning, middle, antinode,

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