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sincerities Meaning in marathi ( sincerities शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रामाणिकपणा, सरळ शूज, स्पष्टवक्तेपणा,

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sincerities मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

1) गुणदर्शक – सौंदर्य, प्रामाणिकपणा, चतुराई/चातुर्य.

गांधी इर्विन यांच्या प्रामाणिकपणाने प्रभावित झाले.

करुणा (दयाबुद्धी), प्रामाणिकपणा, प्रेम, परोपकार, अहिंसा, क्षमाशिलता, शीलसंवर्धन, यांसारख्या नैतिक बाबींवर बौद्ध धर्मात भर देण्यात आला.

दत्तोपंतांची कुशाग्र बुद्धी, प्रामाणिकपणा, कार्याविषयी एकनिष्ठता, दूरदृष्टी सर्वांनाच प्रभावित करीत असे.

पण तरीही चांगुलपणाचा, प्रामाणिकपणाचा अट्टाहास उराशी बाळगून ‘माध्यमशिल्प’च्या द्वारे तुमच्यासमोर आलो आहोत.

विद्यार्थ्यांच्या चारित्र्यात प्रामाणिकपणा, चातुर्य, प्रेरणा निर्माण करणे.

न्यूयॉर्कमधील रिडर्स डायजेस्ट या मासिकाने केलेल्या एका अध्ययनानुसार,या शहरातील नागरीकांचा प्रामाणिकपणात प्रथम क्रमांक लागतो.

स्थापत्यशास्त्राचा व्यवसाय करत असताना सचोटी, प्रामाणिकपणा व कायद्याच्या चौकटी न मोडण्याची त्यांची तत्त्वे त्यांनी निरंतर पाळली.

मनाचा मोठेपणा किंवा उमदेपणा, मनातला शुद्ध भाव, स्वभावातला प्रामाणिकपणा, स्वत:च्या प्रतिष्ठेबद्दलची किंवा मानमरातबाबद्दलच्या स्पष्ट स्वच्छ कल्पना आणि मनातलं सर्वांबद्दलचं प्रेम या अशोकाच्या, इतरांपेक्षा वेगळेपणाने जाणवणाऱ्या वैशिष्ट्यांमुळे त्याला गौतम बुद्धांच्या किंवा येशू ख्रिस्ताच्या पंक्तीत नेऊन बसवले होते.

आयटममध्ये अत्यंत वैधता आणि प्रामाणिकपणा सुनिश्चित करणे आवश्यक आहे तोपर्यंत काहीही समाविष्ट केले जाऊ शकते.

प्रामाणिकपणा आणि कष्टाचे मूल्य शिकवण्याबद्दल मॅकडोनाल्डने त्याच्या वडिलांना  श्रेय दिले.

तोड नाही इतिहासात निःस्वार्थ अन प्रामाणिकपणाची.

sincerities's Usage Examples:

Jackson, "I don"t want to pass because I can"t stand insincerities and shams.

letter (Finished with the War: A Soldier’s Declaration) dated July 1917, inveighing "against the political errors and insincerities for which the fighting.

Declaration) dated July 1917, inveighing "against the political errors and insincerities for which the fighting men are being sacrificed".

diplomacies of home: those indirections, omissions, insincerities, and secrecies that underlie family relationships.

record of the small diplomacies of home: those indirections, omissions, insincerities, and secrecies that underlie family relationships.

If we could but capture their transparent honesty and sincerities! They still have much to teach us, if we observe closely enough".

that opposition MPs should not doubt the present federal government sincerities to restore the rights of the two entities as if they were not care on.

Cordelia, the youngest daughter, disgusted with her sisters" sordid insincerities, replies that she loves him as far as duty commands.

mouth (the outside, soto), which is seen as being more susceptible to insincerities.

brilliant, and often comic, record of the small diplomacies of home: those indirections, omissions, insincerities, and secrecies that underlie family relationships.

yet never critical of the ignorant and tolerant always of the little insincerities of political life.

gets to be as delicious to the reader as are the stunning and worldly sincerities around it every time her pen takes a fresh breath.

of their interest and pertinence," adding that Insincerities had "grown wittier with repetition.


seriousness, gravity, earnestness, solemnity,


levity, profound, intemperance, drunkenness, repulsion,

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