riding Meaning in marathi ( riding शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
घोड्स्वारी करणे, चढणे, स्वर्गारोहण, चढत्या,
चढणे, घोड्स्वारी करणे,
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riding मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
घटावर रोज एक किंवा चढत्या क्रमाने माळा बांधतात.
श्री अरविंदांच्या मते; मनन व चिंतन या ध्यानाच्या चढत्या पायऱ्या आहेत.
वर सुचवलेल्या योजना चढत्या क्रमाने धोकादायक परंतु, अधिक परतावा देणाऱ्या आहेत.
आपल्या चढत्या-वाढत्या आध्यात्मिक अनुभवानुसार श्री अरविंद या महाकाव्याच्या रचनेत उत्तरोत्तर बदल करीत होते.
"जमिनीत चढत्या क्रमाने तीन कुंड बांधले जात,ते आतून चुन्याने प्लॅस्टर करून गुळगुळीत केले जात.
१) जाहीर लिलाव - इंग्लिश चढत्या किमतीची पद्धत - लिलाव पुकारणारा व्यक्ती कमीत कमी कमी अपेक्षित किमत जाहीर करतो.
त्यांनी असे शोधले की गणिती दृष्ट्या स्वरांचे क्रमस्थान चढत्या भाजणीने पुढे जाते.
हे श्रेणी १-– दरम्यान चढत्या क्रमाने आढळतात.
एखाद्या वाक्यातील कल्पना चढत्या क्रमाने मांडून उत्कर्ष किंवा अपकर्ष साधणे.
गागाकू आणि शोम्यो मोजण्यासाठी यो स्केल वापरतात, पाच स्केल टोनमधील दोन, तीन, दोन, दोन आणि तीन सेमीटोनच्या चढत्या अंतरासह पेंटाटोनिक स्केल असतात.
इथे त्या चढत्या क्रमाने दिलेल्या आहेत: प्रोफेशनल (व्यावसायिक), सर्व्हर, ॲडव्हान्स्ड सर्व्हर (सुधारित सर्व्हर) आणि डेटासेन्टर सर्व्हर (माहितीकेंद्र सर्व्हर).
अर्थात २४,००० वर्षांमध्ये सूर्य एक विद्युतचक्र पूर्ण करतो – चढत्या कंसात १२,००० वर्षे नि उतरत्या कंसात १२,००० वर्षे.
कोरियन कुंभारकाम कुंभाराच्या चाकामुळी आणि चढत्या भट्टीच्या वापरामुळे फार प्रगत झाले होते.
riding's Usage Examples:
8* Darren Chiacchia riding Windfall 2, 52.
AnecdoteThere is a local legend that Shah Sultan Balkhi Mahisawar arrived at Pundravardhana in the garb of a fakir (mystic holy pedlar of Islamic philosophy) riding a fish.
Uncomfortable riding conditions associated with the Aerotrain's higher speeds later prompted the Rock Island line to restrict its two cheaply-purchased Aerotrains to low-speed commuter service in and near Chicago.
However the demands consist only of allowing alien minds to assimilate human culture by riding along in the minds of selected people.
an area where the crust of the over-riding plate is lacking a rigid lithospheric mantle component and thus is exposed to hot asthenospheric mantle (for.
He wore a cap pulled down nearly to his nose and was riding a rawboned horse that did not look much like a charger, unless it would be on hay.
A mechanical bull, also known as a bucking machine, is a device that replicates the sensation of riding a bucking animal, such as a rodeo bull or horse.
Kangaroos in general were supposed to carry 8 to 12 soldiers, though similar to the practice of troops riding on tanks, it was more common to simply cram as many as could fit without being at risk of falling off.
6* John Williams riding Carrick, 60.
The first to move were the heavy cavalry of the rearguard under Carvajal, riding out from the entrenchments towards the Ferrarese guns on the French left; according to Taylor, Carvajal's advance was disorderly and possibly spontaneous.
This was done for the safety of the train crew riding inside the caboose.
used for English riding and fencing, although called breeches or britches, differ from breeches in ways discussed below.
the "Michael Jordan of professional bull riding" and had his own line of merchandise.
pony-trekking, athletics, equitation, equestrian sport, horseback riding, sport,
advance, go, descend, precede, stay in place,