ridings Meaning in marathi ( ridings शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
सवारी, घोड्स्वारी करणे, चढणे, स्वर्गारोहण, चढत्या,
चढणे, घोड्स्वारी करणे,
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ridings मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
चतुःशृंगी देवीच्या दर्शनासाठी जाण्यासाठी १७० हून अधिक पायर्या चढणे आवश्यक आहे.
हिवाळ्यामध्ये बर्फाने आच्छादलेले पर्वत चढणे सुलभ असते पण खडकारोहण करणे मात्र या काळात सापेक्षतेने कठीण जाते.
"चिमणी क्लाईंब तंत्राचा" (पाठ व पाय एकाचवेळी भिंतीवर रोवून वर चढणे) वापर करून हे अंतर चढून जावे लागते.
त्यामुळे विंचू चढणे हे त्वेष चढणे किंवा भयभीत होण्याची लक्षणे दाखवते.
उंबरा ओलांडणे उंबरा चढणे घरात प्रवेश करणे.
झाडावर चढणे, डोंगर चढणे असे निरनिराळे खेळही खेळतात.
मुख्य म्हणजे खेळणं झाडावर चढणे , सूर पारंब्या , आबाधुबी खेळणे पाण्यात पोहणे ,डूम्बाने सुरू झाले.
तरीही कित्येक दुर्गप्रेमी पायीच गड चढणे पसंत करतात.
एकदम जोराचा ताप चढणे.
तसेच वृद्ध व्यक्तींना वयोमानाप्रमाणे गड चढणे खूप अवघड जाते.
किल्ल्याचा इतिहास आणि पायथ्याचा परिसर एकदा लक्षत आल्यानंतर प्रत्यक्षात किल्ला चढणे व किल्ल्याची पाहणी करणे सोपे जाते.
अतिशय कमी वयात ते त्यांच्या वडिलांकडून उंचावर चढणे आणि जहाज चालवायला शिकले.
झाडावर, अंगणाच्या पावसाने विरघळू शकेल अश्या कच्च्या भिंतीवर चढणे हे आवडते उद्योग.
ridings's Usage Examples:
1999: Anna-Marie Castrilli, Ontario MPP, left the Ontario Liberal Party to join the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario after losing the Liberal nomination in York Centre to Monte Kwinter (a reduction in ridings had forced the two MPPs to compete for the nomination).
The redistribution created seven ridings in Calgary, two of those still exist today.
In response, Premier Peter Lougheed called a snap election in which the party nominated 78 candidates in the province's 79 ridings (electoral districts).
Scott left the Progressive Conservative Party prior to the 1958 provincial election, in which Winnipeg's multi-member ridings were replaced by single-seat constituencies.
Some towns re-enact historic 'common ridings' – although many others have well-established 'festival rides' that are cemented within their town's history.
Liberal-Progressive and Progressive Conservative candidates ran against each other in some ridings, generally where no anti-coalition candidates had a serious chance of winning.
Algoma District The electoral district was abolished in 1933 when it was redistributed between Timiskaming and Cochrane ridings.
February 20, 2006 - The commission files its final report, making changes to 20 of 55 ridings from its preliminary report.
The other six ridings were Calgary Bowness, Calgary West, Calgary Glenmore, Calgary Centre, Calgary South East, Calgary North.
In 1966, it was redivided into the ridings of Kamouraska and Témiscouata.
The neighbourhood lends its name to federal, provincial and municipal ridings that cover it and.
The other eight ridings were Edmonton Centre, Edmonton North, Edmonton Norwood, Edmonton North East, Edmonton North West, Strathcona Centre, Strathcona East and Strathcona West.
It was created in the redistribution of 1966 from parts of Essex South and Kent ridings.
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advance, go, descend, precede, stay in place,