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recommends Meaning in marathi ( recommends शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शिफारस करतो, शिफारस करण्यासाठी, सल्ला देणे,


शिफारस करण्यासाठी, सल्ला देणे,

recommends मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

महिला आणि बालविकास मंत्री मनेका गांधी यांनी परराष्ट्र व्यवहार मंत्री सुषमा स्वराज यांच्याकडे वकिली केल्यानंतर एकट्या महिलांसाठी पासपोर्ट नियमांमध्ये सुधारणा करण्याची आवश्यकता आहे, जुलै २०१६ मध्ये चर्चा करण्यासाठी आणि बदलांची शिफारस करण्यासाठी एक पॅनेल तयार करण्यात आले आणि आवश्यकता कमी करण्यासाठी त्याच्या शिफारशींची माहिती देण्यात आली.

रिझव्‍‌र्ह बँकेतून सेवानिवृत्त झाल्यानंतर १९९७ मध्ये रुपया परिवर्तनाची वाटचाल कशी असावी याची शिफारस करण्यासाठी तारापोर यांच्या अध्यक्षतेखाली एक चार सदस्यांची समिती नेमण्यात आली.

recommends's Usage Examples:

Price recommends she give up her quest for revenge, but she refuses, telling him to get out and that she was only using him and does not need him anymore.

Thus, the team recommends to the municipal Mayor and the tourism officer to allow them to explore the place in the future.

recommends, an introduction to carefree forgetfulness whereby all life"s uglinesses can be left behind, seminars where folks can relearn how to see, and the.

The area is not suitable for a state highway, and District 9 recommends it be rerouted or deleted from the state highway system (and one of the sections possibly renumbered).

format that mixes footnote markers into mathematical formulas, and the illegibility of some figures, Michael Fox recommends it to "any mathematics or science.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends immunizing all people in areas where the disease is common.

the hidden terminal and/or exposed terminal problem completely, it only alleviates the problem through the use of RTS and CTS, and recommends the use of.

The Seventh-day Adventists present a health message that recommends vegetarianism and expects abstinence from pork, shellfish and other foods proscribed as unclean in Leviticus.

The manufacturer recommends that the silicone strings be dusted with talc powder to make the strings easier to play.

Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that sterile formulas and fortifiers be used when mom is not available.

The IB recommends a minimum of 240 hours of instructional time for HL courses and 150 hours for SL courses.

The text recommends yogic meditation in quiet places such as a forest, cave or sandy beach in sutra 4.

32), and recommends invocation when pouring potable liquids (10.


advise, propose, urge, advocate, suggest,


stiffen, indicate, persuade, discourage, abience,

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